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Posts tagged ‘sight hound’

when privacy eludes us

the rudeness of some humans

There are days when getting back under the covers seems to be the best course of action .. however, there is always someone in the “crowd” that has different ideas.

With the sun making its early morning appearance, comes the moment when the human decides its time to get up. Does that mean we have to do likewise? Guess it does. The promise is for very hot and humid weather today.. meaning. .. an early morning “walk/run”

Use things for what they are meant for. Everything has a purpose. Let’s use things to their fullest potential.

Perfect Liberty 2020.26

The reward is often in the taking of the risk, or stepping out into the day. Wake up and live each moment of your day.


PL Precept # 15 All is a mirror

each and everyone of you

everyday things

naps are good

Living each moment as it comes. I tend to do this often. Hours later, I ask myself. “what happened”. Love of life, living the moment, can be thrilling, however, everything we do… has a consequence. Drop a penny into the calm of the pond… watch as the ripples begin to form, and ripple outward from the point of “contact”

The everyday things you do will show when it really counts. If you have a tendency to be careless about everyday matters, you cannot expect to perform well at crucial times.

Perfect Liberty 2020.3


human in training

july 26.18

Pay attention, this is how it is done.  Find where you want to life down, then  let your body relax, put your head down and sleep. You have to really let go. It is easy, follow my lead.

Keeper July 25

I don’t think you are paying careful attention, look I’ll do it for you again, you see how I have positioned myself.  You are watching, yes.  Ok, here goes again.


You have to be totally committed to letting go, relaxing, and following through with the art of sleeping.

What… you want me to what.. move over so you can get into bed.

How thoughtless is that.


image1 sending kisses





PL Precept #15  All is a mirror




Velcro 7.20Seriously 

can you  really ignore me…..  Come on… give a    S M I L E 

day 21  PL Calendar

A Thankful person will grow as an individual.

When you are able to have a thankful attitude, you will be blessed with good intuition and more enthusiasm, which will continue to move things in a positive direction.

Happiness is meant to be shared



Give it your all…

Keeper 4.15.18

PL Calendar – day 16

Don’t hold anything back;  Give it your all

Always approach things with full enthusiasm and energy.  Then, things will develop in new direction.

PL Precept #16   All things progress and develop






One liner Wednesday

first night

Excuse Me!




Wordless Wednesday -whippet


Time to Zone

whippet love

velcro 8.26.17

Usually Velcro will nestle down into his blankets for his night-time sleep.  This is our boy now that he wants to make sure his “Mom” is OK.   He positions himself where he can make sure I’m alright, and if I move or get up.. he’s watching and listening.  We both miss our Canaille.

Keeper c 8.23.17This beautiful gal is one of the whippets we visited the other day.   Look how amazing her colouring is.  Her top coat a soft fawn, with a delightful pattern of dots showing through.  There is something very  humbling about how a dog will engage in an interaction with  a human.  She is standing here with her trainer, happy to share the limelight with him.  Unconditional love.

It wasn’t till we adopted Velcro that we discovered the world of whippets and sight hounds.

When we open our hearts and lives to new possibilities, it is always amazing to discover that there is love all around.

PL Precept # 11   Always be with God

PL Precept # 18  Each moment is a turning point

Learning that life isn’t always about  “us”  is a lifelong “challenge”  We get to practice everyday,  PL Precept # 10  Love yourself AND others,


My husband and I thank each and every one of you, your prayers, and thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated.  He has begun seeing the medical team that will be working with him over the next weeks and months.  Keep those prayers and healing energies coming this way. =^_^=  There is love in prayer, Oyashikiri… God is love…. Oyashikiri


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