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Posts tagged ‘ATC’



Hi Everyone… my apologies to those of you who have joined our little “group” in the last month or so.  I have been experiencing issues with Windows defender, and my security software.   While away on my last trip, I noted that several new members had joined up.  However when I got back home to have a look and say hello, thank you etc. Some were not to be found, and others caused problems when I tried opening them.  So now I am being cautious.

I welcome you .. in time I will find a way to actually get to your blogs.  Meanwhile, welcome, welcome,  I look forward to getting to know what part of the blogs you enjoy the most. =^_^=

blog-10-12-14_007The month of October is a very creative month. In August I begin with the fall greeting cards, and doing up Thanksgiving one, and yes… I get a head start on the ghoulish and witching ones.  Yet.. I do not do Halloween.  Go figure, I simply like the creativity it brings out in me.  I remember in the days when I did ATC* challenges, my envelopes would be decorated with tombstones, ghosts and “characters” in all shapes and sizes.

Today I was told that our cards will be sold at one of the Craft fairs, by two of our members.  So here I am doing HO HO HO cards. By December I’m doing Hearts and Flowers cards, and working my way into Irish greetings.=^_^=



Love transcends all known boundaries

PL Precept #10  Love yourself and Others

PL Precept # 7  Everything exists in relativity

When we speak from the heart

the world is such a better place

PL Precept #11   Always be with God


  • ATC – Artist Trading Cards
  • no matter where we are, who we are interacting with, how we are interacting, it is a very real “connection”

live love

hedgie, calling card

Today is a busy world, how we keep in touch tends to be with a text, and e-mail .. AND if we are moved, we pick up the phone and have a chat.  So often I hear that the chosen way to connect is by text.

card 2x

I was out with my Mother and sister yesterday, my Mom is legally blind, and can no longer stand for long periods of time, due to a very nasty hip and bad back, so she is in a wheelchair.  She has always enjoyed receiving, and sending out cards.  At 95 she still has that desire to “keep in touch” and for her, she likes doing it by card and with a phone call.  At 95 she is no longer surrounded by her many many friends, the cards arriving and the calls, have long ago stopped happening.

Frog card 1.7.16

My sisters’ and I find ourselves doing her card shopping, she likes to always have cards on hand to send or give to friends and acquaintances, some of my friends who used to participate in the ATC (Artist Trading Card) rounds, used to send her cards, simply to share with her.  She loved it.  She has binders of saved mini art pieces that she can go back to and remember.  To my wonderful friends who still send her an ATC and /or card, I appreciate and love you  with my whole heart for being so thoughtful and generous, in sharing your gifts.

valentine 3

Since way before our time, love,caring appreciation, recognition was shared with a card, sentiment, letter, it was something done by the person sending, the special personal greeting, that when received, was always a special moment, and a time when a “fresh” connection was made … across the miles, distance and time vanished as the friendship was forged into a tighter bond.

It is not in the number of times, you do something, or how often you call, it is in the quality of the time you spend, and the sincerity of your actions.

Namaste      =       Oyashikiri

If I have not already shared the following clip with you, then please, if you have the time. give it a listen..

For a great video on letting go… take a moment to watch Amanda Gore



Look for Ways to Make Others as Well as Yourself Happy

Look for Ways to Make Others as Well as Yourself Happy

As an artist I used to participate in challenges and rounds where artists from all over the world would make and exchange ATC (Artist Trading Cards) or small one of a kind dolls. We would do our piece and send it to a “host” who would then in turn send them out to the various participants. You never knew what you would get till you received the small packet in the mail. It was always such a treat, the anticipation grew with each passing day. Sadly over time, many of us moved on, our teaching, classes, family etc. gave us little time to set aside time for one more “project”.

However for me, making of these ATCs and “little dolls: has remained part of my life, I find them a relaxation and rather meditative to do, AND I love the sharing of them, sending them off to someone who least expects getting a treat in the mail.

Sharing our love of life with others is a joy that no one can take away. Love given “just because” is a wonderful gift. Saying I love you, I remember you my friend, you are special, feels awesome. I know when I receive such a gift I am very happy, it brighten’s my whole day.

Today one picks up the phone and calls, or texts, and that is OK, but when I receive a treat in the mail, I know that person took the time to put that little work of art together. Gave them quality time doing something they loved, and they honored me by sharing with me. What a blessing.

Take time today to let someone know you care.

Have a grand day everyone! Love is being sent your way.


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