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Posts tagged ‘wood’


While walking the grounds at parc Omega, we came across this bench. I didn’t have time to meditate on it too much at the time, so I grabbed a photo. Looking at the photo I wonder why I took it at such an angle when perhaps doing it another way would have been “prettier”.. ie. no picnic bench or tent in the background.

It is the bench I wanted .. why because of the detail and the craftsmanship. There were many carvings, for sure I will return to see them all again. I wondered how many artists had been employed, I know what a connection I get to a piece when working with wood. I an NOT good at it, but I love handling and getting to know the piece that I am working on. Over the years, I have realized that I prefer instant gratification .. i.e. I work with acrylics and not oils. The medium suits my temperament and style of expression.

Wood has a rhythm of dance that requires a different focus and attention. My tools are still waiting, some within reach, and always somewhere is apiece of wood… patiently waiting.

Things that happen to us all have meaning. Everything that happens to us, happens for a reason. Each and every occurrence is a chance for you to improve yourself.

Perfect Liberty 24,2019

Remember this piece, I found it while walking that day. I badly wanted to bring it home, my friends, encouraged me to leave it in its resting place. I did, I knew that it was my passion for collecting that was”itching”.. but a captured memory,, will make do. The little woodland charmer, will be there for someone else to enjoy.

We all see the world through our personal lenses, whatever you discover, and decide to do.. make it worthwhile. Everything in life has meaning!


wooden heart


The beauty of wood.  Too big to pick up and hug, I was smitten with this piece.


There is something about wood, that even though it is hard to the touch, I feel its strength yet, somehow it radiates to me warmth and vitality. I would have spent more time just absorbing the story lines in each piece, however, time did not permit.


Had someone been around to ask I would have eagerly asked about the now “dismantled” tree..  I knew I could not bring any piece no matter how small home.  Thank goodness for my Huawei.

Victoria Day long week-end here.  Enjoy the extra day off, importantly “take time for YOU”   .  Sunday service at 10 a.m.

If you have not done so yet, mark your calendars, service on the 29th May is at 7:pm


anyone know what kind of tree that might be?

Bom Dia 7.28th


Good morning, Bom Dia….

My table .. finally it is home, arrived last night.  There was no sunlight this morning to show off its beauty, but hopefully you will get the idea.  I am thrilled at the prospect of the many new memories that will be inspired from this slice of nature.

There are opportunities in and around every corner. =^_^=  big smile and happy face

Tomorrow the 29th.  PL Calendar  Be Cheerful and Easygoing

Everything has a way of turning out alright in the end.  Relax and always try to think positively.


exercise in Nothing

nothing 1Good morning everyone.. thinking to be smart, I thought I would take a picture of nothing (* wink) =^_*=     I believe that nothing is always something.

Aim at the sky.  darn, even when I thought it was open space.. look, its sky with different hues of blue. look even the sun peaked in.

hmmm nothing on the door, let’s take a picture of nothing there.

nothing 7. door 5.7Little rascal,

evades me again, Nothing is the door!

OK, I spun around quickly and shot Nothing behind me..

nothing 3Can you see Nothing…

Nope, concrete, wood and vegetation.  Nothing is always SOMETHING.

So, next time someone  asks you, “what are you doing” and you say “NOTHING” ………………………. or when you are asked, what are you thinking, and you reply “NOTHING” ………………………. what are you saying, what do you mean?


image1 sending kisses


Thursday Doors

So rarely  these days do I come across what I call decent doors in a powder room I had to give these doors their few minutes of fame. =^_^=

Polished wood and chrome.  Clean tiles. All that was missing was the attendant.  Anyone else remember those days?

Have a grand start to a sunny week-end, wherever you are, whatever the weather, make memories.  Admire a door!!  Doors are everywhere.

For more doors, you can visit Norm 2.0


Crazy strange garden “art”

happy notOK I have no idea, what I was thinking of when I did this, but it happened.  Years later, I still don’t know what it was that drew me to put this “idea” together.  Knowing I did it, always gave me pause.  I thought to simply throw it out, yet it sat in the back garden for some time, a reminder that not everything I do, or come up with is “picture perfect”

hand of the past_edited-1At the time, I really liked the idea.  The glove, the hand,  I’m not sure, but it still might be out back too.  We are cleaning up back there, it is time for a change.  I know if they are there, it will be time to “let them go”

peekingI remember putting this “character” into the old wood bird house, so he would be out of the elements.  It is all overgrown now, but I saw through the branches  that he is still there.  It would require cutting away half of the evergreen now to get him out… so… he’ll get to stay. Actually maybe it was a she..

who comesThe garden guardians have come and gone, they tended and hosted the wildlife that used our land to travel safely through the urban sprawl.  There is beauty in all that nature provides, and there is an unseen world around us that some of us see, and other’s don’t. Never-the-less, the world of imagination and fantasy never fails to capture our attention, when we listen to the wind whisper softly through the trees, or hear it howl when it is voicing discontent. This week we’ve heard the heavens  bowling in celebration of a summer’s eve.  the bowling balls landing with loud thunder as they rolled across the skies.

garden past

Even the wooden sprite is peeking out from his curtain of ivy… (this was he, before this summer’s growth)  The heavy rains clear the spider webs from his face, and wash the ants away… He’s happy too.

Hmmm when I review our motley crew of garden elves and faeries… they have done such a wonderful job of keeping our land lush, green and safe from urban predators, maybe, yes maybe… I need to be selective and rethink the changes in the garden,  I need to remember why they are there.  It is not their looks that count, it is their reason for being!

PL Precept #12 Everything has a way according to its name

PL Precept # 7  Everything exists in relativity




Thursday Doors 3.23.17



Sometimes, where one begins, another ends, or……… in a short span of time, we see what lies ahead.


Looking out a still frozen, Lac des Loups, Quebec.. a drive thru the Pontiac.

Blessings .. happy Thursday

PL Precept #16, All things progress and Develop


Mother 1921-2017

Mother passed 3.6.17

Mother’s life was like an abstract painting, she lived creatively and managed to  keep all the  assortment of unique personalities that she loved  on one mosaic canvas.  She had an inner strength and resolve that kept her going for 96 years. Pansies were her favourite flowers.  She loved colours, when she set her mind to something, it got done. In later years, she loved to , crochet and knit in quiet times, but she dedicated much of her life to volunteering and working for the good of others.  She remained actively involved in all her charities and “projects” till well into her golden years. RIP Mother, your unconditional love and tenacious spirit, will always be with us.

PL Precept #1     Life is Art

Oyashikiri (blessings)



happy happy

Precept #16    4.11_edited-1


Good afternoon everyone.  I had a wonderful time this past Sunday exploring the back roads from the city towards Sharbot Lake, it was a bright day, a bit of a chill in the air, but otherwise great.  Too soon after a cold snowy spell, for there to be a lot of day trippers out.  One of my finds, was this tree stump…. the colours, the recent cuts l seemed to dazzle with the afternoon sun.


These delights were found on a vacant lot of a house that is up for sale. 100 acres on a quiet country road (at an intersection)  The house had seen much better days, nothing of interest to me, it was the location..  What was sad to see was that the yard around the house was a catch-all for debris and clutter.  I had been drawn to the stumps because of the rich tones of the inner core.  What ever happened to their tops, was not evident. So I assume, that the rest of the tree will serve a good purpose.


My husband was drawn to the old television satellite dishes.  Some places tease me, and I want to hear their story.  Others, well, they just don’t hold my attention.  On this property it was the tree stumps.. they were my gemstones amongst the rubble.  AND the QUIET.  Further down the road ( a paved road, however it was well posted, that it was not a road that was maintained year round) we found this spot..


You likely had to have been there .. it was such a peaceful site.  What we  found was what was left of a building, that must have been part of the church that had  been in this location.  The lumber I didn’t think dated back to the 40’s but perhaps a makeshift building of sorts had been there and when that went, the community got together and put up the piece you see below. (1987)


How different life must have been life back when the church as in full attendance. 1893… the land in the surrounding areas you can tell had once been farmed.    The further we drove down this road, with the quiet around us, and the beckoning open fields, the more the happy glow of discovery surrounded me.


Life is ever-changing, what remains a constant in life is the natural world we live in. It grows, flourishes, dies, and is reborn.  The landscapes change, but the wonder of it all remains. GOD is living, GOD is life, GOD is Everything. and YES, GOD is LOVE

Namaste       –       Oyashikiri


Standing Still

Standing Still

Frozen in Time – sculpted out of wire,apoxie sculpt and fabric this garden fairy likes her crystals, she carries them with her so that the sun and day light will catch and reflect prisms of colour all around her. The stump she stands on was part of a tree she used to love for the shade it provided on the hot summer days. She came inside one year, to grace the mantel, to this day she is still there. There is a window there, and during the bright winter days, when the sun comes shining through … her garland dances sending a rainbow of colour through the room.

Do we stand still in life, or do we constantly want to be on the move? Lately I’ve been forced to spend more time.. standing still… LOL or should I say, having a lie down =^_^=

Like the garden fairy with her crystals, when the dust gathers on her beads, the rainbow of colours is less dazzling. When she was outside, Mother Nature, bathed her in spring, summer and fall with showers, pelting rains and blew soft whispers of breeze through her strand of crystals.

When we stop and allow the world around us to “really be seen” It is surprising what we “see” and realize about where we are in life, and how we are coping with the realities.

Have the courage to really look at where you are, have you been standing still? Is dust gathering on “your crystals”

Prayer is our garland of light, the Universe speaks to us everyday, and in many ways. It is in mindfulness that we
hear and see the Divine connection.

Blessings everyone, may the light of life shine brightly on you today.and always.

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