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palm reader

clipboard 8.23

Good morning, this is last night’s project, yes it was one of those stay up late nights.. We all have them.  The project that keeps us up way past normal shutting down hours.  There are times when you just need to go with the flow.

PL calendar day 23 –    Once you’ve set out to do something, it is your job.

Once you have accepted a task, don’t make any excuses.  Continue the job until the very end and make sure the outcome is something you can truly be proud of.


ps.  yes that is mould I have drying at the bottom.

Comments on: "palm reader" (2)

  1. Poe ? ? ? more like a mystery to me.
    nice collage, obviously you went with the flow …

  2. lol I am a fall person, when it starts to cool, I think of October, and the fun of the season..yes,, I get right into it… waves a thank you and hello!+

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