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Thursday doors

Driving by I spied out of the corner of my eye, this quiet lady, sitting prim and proper on a hill. Her land had been farmed, ready for the blanket of snow that would soon cover the sleeping fields.

I couldn’t pass her by, I found a place to turn around, and made my way up the hill. I found her interesting, there were no cobwebs and hanging weeds between her boards, it was as if the fairies had come and swept her clean. Even her faded walls are nicely shaded as if penciled or charcoal -ed, against the winter skies.

For now I’ve dubbed her Lady Finch. Maybe I will get to see her again, when she is sun bathing on a mid-summer day. Anything is possible. =^_^=

Don’t be swayed by the past; It’s what you do from now on that counts. Your failures as well as your successes are now in the past. Always look towards the future and start with a fresh outlook.

Perfect Liberty 2015.9.


If you love doors and would like to see more, visit Norm 2.0 https://miscellaneousmusingsofamiddleagedmind.wordpress.com/

Comments on: "Thursday doors" (24)

  1. Oh, the stories she could tell!

  2. I’m drawn like a moth to a flame… wish i had the time to camp there and allow my mind to wander, take notes, and laze the day away.

  3. I love these old homes and wonder what could have caused their abandonment. Thanks for the reminder that both failures and successes are in the past – every day is a clean slate.

  4. Nice doors! What character!

  5. So much more than doors

  6. You captured the sincere beauty of time. One can feel the love that the weather has given these buildings and how much the landscape has become attached to them, and they to it.

  7. Reblogged this on The New Renaissance Mindset and commented:
    Please visit this artist’s blog and see how they capture time and nature in all their beauty!

  8. I especially like Capture 3, with the view through the building and out the window.

    • Good morning my friend, you keeping well? It is a busy time.

      • Not very busy for us. We unplugged a long time ago. We only buy presents for the kids 18 and under, and there are fewer of those every year. We go to Christmas pitch-ins, so we don’t have major meals to prepare. Hope you’re well. I thank you for all your centering posts. I always look forward to reading you.

  9. It was worth it to turn back for lady Finch! These buildings have this unassuming resilient quality and ages well! Have a happy December month:)

    • I agree, the building had a quality that is not often found in abandoned buildings. Waves hello. best of the week-end to you…

  10. Abandoned buildings make me sad in some way, although yes, they have lots of stories to tell.


  11. I’m glad you didn’t pass Lady Finch by. Thank you for sharing her. She’s an inspiration!

  12. Maybe you’ll get to peek inside…fingers crossed!

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