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Posts tagged ‘shapes’


207df0687ad2dc783be2eb1f0d2a476fGood morning everyone:

How is your day going so far?  I know that many of you are in completely different time zones.  For me it is the start of my day, albeit a late start.  Lately I have been enjoying long fitful sleeps  Yesterday I ran around like a woman on a mission, (that is because I was) I had things to do, people to see, and then a 7 pm Thanksgiving service at the church.

It never occurred to me that I wouldn’t get everything done, I just set out to do it and it all fell easily into place.  However, by end of day, I was ready for my trip into slumber land. I am working on my virtual blog which takes days and sometimes weeks to do because I have to coordinate with other artists.

One of the artists is an amazing  talent, she does shapes and skins for the virtual world as well as clothes and accessories. Even the virtual name she uses tells you she is going to be an interesting person to get to know. (Lush Meme)

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the virtual worlds, everyone entering into a virtual world has to create an avatar for themselves.  Obviously we are all different and our likes and wants are going to be different.

Some visitors to the virtual worlds, don’t really care about their appearance, they get an avatar on entering into the new world, and they keep it, maybe change their clothes to better reflect what they like to wear and personalize themselves. but aside from that they are content to be the avatar that they used to come inworld.  The virtual worlds are full of mentors, people with experience and years in the virtual environment and are willing to help out and put their experiences to use to help others wanting to grow within the community.  With some it is building, creating the architecture, homes,fantasy builds more to do with lifestyles of the inhabitants.

Others, like Lush provide the body of the person (shape, size of your shoulders, length of your arms, waist, hip etc. ) and the skin,(colour or tone of your skin, make ups etc)  The women more than the men tend to want to look a “certain” way, and they are apt to change their makeup, and hairstyles often.  Men do however, like to (most of them)  want to look presentable, once they find the shape, skin and hairstyle they like they are more likely to change outfits for different occasions, but their basic look stays the same.

It is always an interesting exercise when someone new to the world joins us and they being their transformation.  There are many artists in the virtual worlds and some are more creative than others.   You have to look around, you have to try the demos provided.  Otherwise you will look like the person beside you.  In the virtual world you get to build and create what you want to look like.

Now in the day-to-day world, it is not so easy, we are born with our bodies, skin tone and hair colour.  changing is a natural process, nature dictates pretty much our rate and speed of growth etc. And to many it is a life long battle to try to fit in to the “social/fashion norms” or  Photoshop pictures we have put in front of us on a daily basis.

I have to fast today for a hospital visit tomorrow.. That got me thinking of bodies/shapes, and our sometimes out of kilter food decision and choices…. what can I say I got carried away after looking in the mirror this morning.  Hope you survived the visit.  Love you all.

224c2f0f0f0ebf2be5c8d52959b8aba8Sincere apologies to those of you, who prefer my shorter blogs.. Thankfully I don’t have to fast often.  =^_^=  meanwhile blessings all, and where-ever you are, have a super grand day.  Be Happy.

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri

for more on Lush, my virtual blog will be posted later today.


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