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a silly nilly

dogs blog.photoshelter.com William WEgman  paw  1993

Let’s start with last night I had a headache, sometimes, we just get them, and, well, we deal with them right….

home,in tree

we do live in the city, it can ge noisy with all the activity that happens in the neighbourhood

pure cuteness

my furry friends did come to snuggle and did their best to chill me out


finally after a lot of this and that I was comfortable enough to sleep


When, yep… the boys next door start to play


we all have our own way of seeing ourselves, but really, I’m so tired right now, I’m going to show you my latest selfie

Q wear trial J earring_001

Yup, here I am, ready for the Dinkyville celebrations, wearing my special all time pendant, got my hair done, made myself a new outfit so when I’m on stage with my bass guitar, I’ll be the cutest kitty ever.  errrr …. who is dreaming now.

The end, silly nilly moment gone.

namaste      –      oyashikiri

cuteness pictures from social media

selfie is my own =^_^=

Comments on: "a silly nilly" (6)

  1. Excellent post!

  2. Love you when you are a silly nilly.

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