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Posts tagged ‘Thoreau’

The hidden door

If not for the little touch of red on the latch, I would have missed this door. I did include this door in another blog it was among other doors, and thought it deserved a feature of its own.

There are days when I want to blend in and disappear. Yes it happens to me, and I suspect each one of us at some time has had that feeling.. Where you just want the world to keep rolling along, so you can catch your breath, or simply veg.

Instead of worrying do something about it. It doesn’t help to over think situations such as “what if this happens?” or “Things might up that way” Instead be proactive and change how you see and do things in each situation.

Perfect Liberty 3 2019

Sine my husband’s passing have found it very difficult to do some of the things that need doing. example. Going upstairs to his offices and going through paperwork. Clearing out furniture and objects has not been a problem, yet for some reason, the filing cabinets have been like the door above, I don’t seem them. If I do, I walk right by.

There are times in life, when we have to “see” the issue, and then do something about it. In my case I have asked for help. And today, I will go to church and pray, giving thanks for my blessings, and express my gratitude that I have friends to turn to, and of course, I KNOW that PL Precept # 11 Always be with God. God is always with me.

A friend passed on the other day, massive stroke, one day he was walking in the sunshine between tall trees on one of his favourite walking trails with a friend, the next day he was gone. He was liked by his friends because he always said, he was poor in material things, but had an abundance of riches spiritually and in his friendships. Caring, gentle and understanding, he will be missed by all who knew him.


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