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death and dying

For me, mixed media 4.18.17

I was chatting with friend the other day,  since cancer is now factored into my life, we were discussing how people react to the word. It was interesting to note, that when I said that cancer was much like being told you are diabetic.  She did not agree.  Her reasoning was that cancer usually  meant death.  I understood that she felt that being diabetic your chances were much better. Diabetes is known as the silent killer.

We are born to die.  Death is something we all face.  A perfectly healthy person, can drop dead without warning.  Perhaps they were borderline.. high blood pressure, maybe it was cholesterol, or like my husband, out of nowhere, after living a lifetime with his heart, and never having a problem,  he was told, he  had an irregular heart beat and it was problamatic to his cancer treatments ?

I fail to see why cancer gets top billing, and why because someone gets the cancer card, it is deemed gloom and doom.  Sure there are difficult times, but someone with a gall bladder issue, will be driven almost insane with the pain that they endure till something is done about it.  A kidney stone,  is not a joking matter either.  And ladies, how about that 9th month party of labour pain and the utter joy of the delivery room.

Cancer is a wicked surprise, and it is a challenge, however, we still go to bed each night and wake every morning.  How we choose to make use of our time while we are awake and greeting the day, is our choice.  The love of life, and the understanding that this is not the time to squander our moments, means that life is full.  Love continues to grow and shine it’s light into our activities.

There is an appreciation of the blessings that we have been able to share, and continue to share.

There is no escaping death, whatever circumstances we find ourselves in, we are alive, and we will continue to live until the day/night comes when we go beyond what is here and now.  Then, we will be forever/always.

No more, no less.




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