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Disco Monday aka Wednesday

arriving for some disco

the clan start to gather

the fun began

at Pacifique (SL) the music, the atmosphere, the friends,

a musical interlude, a nice way to end the day.

Ok that was how I ended my day, but the start was just as great.  We drove out to visit with our new whippet, here she is spending some time with her soon to be brother.  Who is being as aloof and distant as he can be.  Real party poop.

Keeper 10.18.17b

Meet Keeper, she is 5 years old.

Keeper 10.18.17cOK she saying, I’ve done my few minutes with big brother, now let’s do something else. She is a sweetheart, can’t wait for her to be home with us full-time.

There is room in a day to do a lot of things, attend to what needs doing, resting, and having some “chill” time.

PL Precept # 20  Live maintaining equilibrium between mind and matter.

Sweet blessings to take you into the night.


SL http://www.secondlife.com



Comments on: "Disco Monday aka Wednesday" (2)

  1. Moz Loordes said:

    Awwws, she is loveable isn’t she!

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