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Posts tagged ‘living the PL way’


Sumac is a beautiful plant, I tried to grow it once, it is hardy in our area, however it is also very aggressive. I thought it would be nice in an area of the property, but soon had to start digging it out. It grew and grew and grew.. all over… Everywhere!

In other areas of the world Sumac is cultivated and used as a herb, spice, tea, it is considered to have many health benefits as well. From my past experience with it.. I now enjoy it when I go on walks, or come across it in my travels while hiking.. The desire to have it in my personal space, has long gone.

My experience with the Sumac is much like some of my other “encounters/experiences” while progressing along on this road of “life” Some experiences I explored and moved on.. and others I have retained in my “memory bank” and bring out from time to time to reflect on how the experience enriched my life.

Begin your day with appreciation. Welcome each new day with renewed appreciation, and step forward with a feeling of World Peace in your heart.

Perfect Liberty 2011.21

Always be cheerful, happy and good humored. When you make an effort to be cheerful and happy, you will naturally begin to feel that way.

Perfect Liberty 2020.12


Today this moment

Treasure each moment in time. Life is a continuation of “NOW” Treasure each and every moment as it comes, so that you can live your life as fully as possible without regrets.

Perfect Liberty 2016.10

I stood on an old solid wood bridge that spanned this little gurgling waterway.

One direction led past the old homestead, and the other, wandered down into the countryside.

In the moment of my being there, I got to experience both sides, of the ONE body of water as it moved along.. gurgling happily as it tripped over the rocks and valleys of its bed.

Each moment of our lives, we too are captured by the Universe in our daily execution of our daily “living”.

Be thankful to your parents and to your ancestors. You are here today because the “torch of life” has been continuously passed down. always remember to be thankful.

Perfect Liberty 2020.11


I give thanks each and every day, that I have connected to such beautiful people, YOU are AMAZING.

Ancestors Day service is tomorrow, September 11. at 10 a.m.

once upon a doodle

rose and lion mixed media doodle

LOL I have no idea why the name.. well I guess I do. The rose is the fluff upper left. I had to rewind and ball of wool that was so tangled I was only able to save 4/5ths of it. Never one to waste a good piece of knotted and fluffy wool, I balled it up and put it on the doodle card I was working on.

While drying it took on the look of a wet rose. Of course the ultra matte gel used to sculpture it in place, changed the effect somewhat.. but in person, I can still see the outline of my rose. My lion is in the pieces of discarded paper that I ripped up from some notice or other… and layered it in a rolled ball that obviously flattened and mushed around. it is the Distress oxide inks that shade the papers that gave my Lion its life.

Beauty as you know is in the eye of the beholder. I can tell you with certainty that playing with mixed media.. making colourful messes is very therapeutic for me. =^_^= … A good night’s sleep works wonders too.

The everyday t hings you do will show when it really counts. If you have a tendency to be careless about everyday matters, you cannot expect to perform well at crucial times.

Perfect Liberty 2020.3


a little this and that… Eliza or anyone else out there, have you had experience with bromelaids? I found a beauty the other day, and brought it home.

for my other friends, I was up packing up a box of cleaning supplies shortly after 6 a.m. from under my kitchen sinks. I no longer have duplicates and half full containers.. Tidy now yes, but will I make use of the products??? ah… that is another matter.

lastly, Blues tonight 5 pm SL time.

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