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the dress

We found Cloven Forest while looking for a place to get some relaxation in, and get some work done. Cloven Forest is billed as a quiet calm place “that will comfort your soul as you wander beneath a canopy of trees and explore the forest. They( the owners of the sim) encourage photography and the build is wonderfully set out to allow for a lot of pictures both for singles and couples.

Clothes are such an interesting article in our wardrobe. I know there are many, not just myself and some of my friends, who dress for comfort…. you might be someone who shares my dislike having to dress to please someone else. I was never good at accepting having to wear a “uniform”. I am guilty of having once been a Designer -“labels” devotee…. thankfully I outgrew the phase.

The dress or clothing you wear should be # 1 comfortable .. I’m not one to say I only wear #$%, if I see something I like and it will be comfortable to wear, and easy to look after. then its a winner. My problem is that my “character” wants change from day to day. AND of course there is the question of , will naughty, nice, playful, serious, chilling, come into the equation of what to wear and how to wear it.

Think about what you wear, why you wear it, and how you wear it. Does what you come up with, stay the same from day to day, or does it change with your mood, the season, etc.

Yes contemplating the dress, dressing, and how to build the character that is seen visually, is always a good time filler. Another day we can discuss, the rest of the componets that make up your avatar. In SL we call it an avatar, in the RL, its the many personalities we wear from day to day.

How do you see yourself.

You’re happy, I’m happy. Have the mindset of “good for you, good for me” Express yourself in a way that makes others happy.

Perfect Liberty 2021.7

The outfit worn by Alo today is from #Benk http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gulls%20Wing%20Marina/110/193/23

Shoes are StephaneL one of their group gift items Brigida http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Earl%20Island/127/83/912

Comments on: "the dress" (14)

  1. After a non-iron Covid year will I ever care again? 🙂

  2. I’m wondering how many times I’ve dressed up in the past year. Well … I’m sure counting on one hand will be sufficient.

    • good morning…LOL you got dressed every day I’m sure of that.. every day you had to put clothes on… what is dressed up? =^_^=

  3. If person wears and makes good looking for somebody, then do not bother. Do it for yourself and enjoy.

    • agree =^_^= .. are you able to access the falls without having to go through the “commercial” areas surrounding them? good morning!!!

      • Yes, I could. The Easter morning was quiet at that place, not too many people. Most of Commercial are closed because of COVID. This is why the place is not too crowdy.
        It was very nice walk along the river and in the woods.
        Have a nice day!

    • that is good to know. the few times I have been there, both on the Canadian and American side, I was “turned off” by the commercialism, and the crowds. You too. enjoy the sunny weather.

  4. I dress for comfort, mostly cotton, year round. When it gets really hot, I wear work dresses, nothing fancy. Being a gardener, I wear old clothes that I don’t care if they get dirty or torn. I might have one or two ‘nice’ items that I wear when out in public. Clothes were never of much interest to me… always about plants! 😉

    • LOL do I understand that…YES,,, I;m not a gardener tho’ I think of myself more as a landscaper, cuz its the perennials, shrubs and trees, that I love.. I loved this time of year I would haunt all the nurseries for miles around.

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