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Posts tagged ‘owl’

Monday 8th.

photo – Num Ottawa

Num had posted other pictures of this, or similar owl, but when I saw this one, it stopped me from scrolling further .. If you haven’t had occasion to check out Num’s photos, he is on Instagram, NumOttawa.

Here we are at the start of another work week, hopefully there will be news today on what is has been decided for our area. Both dogs are in serious need of nail trimming, the grooming of a dog is an important part of their “health maintence”.. especially for senior dogs who are hounds and do a lot of running. WE all need to be steady on our feet.. during winters here, it is not always without its challenges. (icy, slippery, uneven ground, even on pavement)… Let’s be aware, and stay Safe.

We are also aware that many in the community have been finding it even harder this year, with the on and off isolation rules/regulations etc. This week I had occasion to hunt up a UV light for someone, I had been told of the benefits these lights provide, and wanted one for someone who has moved into a new apartment which lacks the bright sunlight they had before in their previous location. Until doing the research and trying to locate one in the area, I had not realized they were as popular as they are. The pharmacy (drugstore) shelves were limited in product range, or sold out completely. I did find one thank you.. but I would be interested if any one out there has had experience with such therapy, if you would share how effective it was for you.

With a prayerful mind, put your heart into everything you do. Even when you’ve put in your best effort, you may have overlooked something. With a humble mind, take a second look to check for mistakes or oversights.

Perfect Liberty 2014.7

Tell yourself “things Happen”. Even if something is inconvenient, once you accept it, you will be able to move onto the next step.

Perfect Liberty 2021.8


ok OK already!

lion cute

OK…OK… you want to open the door

go ahead

but don’t expect me to look

I’m not gonna

and you can’t make me…


really Lion, it is your choice to look or not

but I want to see

we don’t know who it could be

It is Halloween

cat eating daisy

OH…OHHHHH.. OK already

It’s Sphinx with a flower

bulldog with toy

Bully with his his silly toy

hounds in hats

two hounds in hats

and the silly whippet from next door

let’s just throw open the door

and wish everyone a

happy hallowee

Ok OK already… if you go out,

have fun, be safe

batman doberman

can anyone relate to just how much these two

wanted to dress up….


namaste     –     oyashikiri

it is all about choices…. sometimes, we just don’t get to make em

other times we do…

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