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Posts tagged ‘stubborness’

some days

dog's life

some days

there is no  other way

but just show you

yup, this is just that kind of day

see you all tomorrow, love you

Namaste      –      Oyashikiri

PL Precept 17  Grasp what is most essential

PL Precept #19  Begin once you Perceive

PL Principle # 6  I will not be stubborn, beng captured by my own thoughts

author’s note… it is my stubborn nature, that pushed and pushed, till my body said… no more..  so want to or not.. now I am listening, that light bulb moment… when  OK OK…I let go, stopped doing, ,doing  doing

PL Principle # 2  I will not have complaints about others, matters, nor the weather.  Rather I will always be creative and will look for shortcomings in my OWN thinking and actions.

goedendag, bom dia

ligh bulbs

Light bulb moments… we’ve all experienced them from time to time.. that Ahhhh moment… that moment where an awareness goes “smack” and we  wonder how we had missed seeing it before..  Truth be told, we didn’t miss it, our stubborn resistance to it was just too focused on doing either something else, or wanting it to be another way.



Our minds are a cornucopia of wow, super fabulous, mundane and useless thoughts. Some are very creative and helpful and others not.  I like to think of myself as a teacher, I’m bright, I’m helpful I’m  a student of life, who applies and works diligently at working to bring peace and happiness to others …etc.etc…etc..  I’m  a bright light….duh…NOT

light bulb oil lamps

LOL.. when will I learn.. when will I actually practice what I “preach”    When will I tame my stubborn nature, my lazy nature, will it every happen.  Will I always be like the shoe maker who makes and fashions the most beautiful of shoes, and wears run down uncared shoes  him/herself.

In PL we say ” We are all born into this world with a one of a kind personality and Makoto (individuality and unique character) given to us by God.”  In order to do this, it is important that we do so daily,  focusing on expressing our true selves with Makoto (sincerity)

PL precept # 7 – Everything exists in Relativity

PL Principles # 6 I will not be stubborn, being captured by my own thoughts.

light bulb parachutes

Light bulb moment’s happen for a reason, when we realize the lesson they are teaching .. when we grasp (once again) that we are still allowing our “conceit/determination/stubborn nature”  to alter , hasten or remove what IS… try to reflect on the moment, the lesson….. and work to improve… ask yourself why????  why do you do something that you know… because deep down we do know…… that until we do… history will keep repeating itself.

light bulb photography











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  • fromupnorth.com


Never let a good light bulb moment go to waste.–

Have a light filled day,

God Bless


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