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Posts tagged ‘NY Sates’

dissatisfactions and complaints


happy not

not a happy face, nope, no joy found here

tired, weather worn and ragged

life has left an imprint of a bitter

state of mind

spent in the company of

dissatisfaction and complaints

hand of the past_edited-1

we, each and every one of us

is entitled to happiness

and the joy of living in a world

full of promise and hope

past charm

true, what was,

sometimes fades with the

changing seasons

but it is what is inside that counts

happy and even sad memories

make up our past

yet here we are

starting a brand new day

Sharon springs 8

our lives continue

like sparkling  spring water flowing

over the dips and valleys

happily gurgling along

over the variety of rocks

there really is no other choice, but to go with the flow

so why not use what dissatisfaction

and momentary complaints that come our way

as catalysts to improve and change our days

so that happiness is the mainstay

of our  daily “every day” lives.

Sharon Springs 5

appreciate whatever comes your way

the shade you see, will soon shift and fade away


namaste         –          oyashikiri

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