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Posts tagged ‘peace’

Peace day

Always live with World Peace in your Heart. Each and every one of your actions can inspire peace within your family, your community and the world around you. This peace will eventually help lead to World Peace.

Perfect Liberty 2019,1

Today we will begin the Day of Peace ceremony at 10: a.m. followed by our regular Sunday service. Through the Day of Peace ceremony, we pray for World Peace and dedicate ourselves to live as peaceful human beings in our own worlds which include our home, school, work and community.

Everyone is welcome, not everyone can come to the church itself, if there is no church near you, we invite you to join us in prayer at 10: a.m. with a moment of silence and prayer of your own, committing to helping in the attaining of world peace. Love begins at home. within ourselves.


Time was


Time was when this was  bright and new.


when new it would not have held the same fascination as it does now

While no longer as it was, this fence still stands firmly locked in place.  Its purpose has not changed with age.  I have loved this place for years, finally the other day, I pulled over and visited.


I suspect it was provincially owned, I have never been there before, yet when I walked around to the back, I felt at peace, the traffic noises drifted away, the moment was pure zen.


This is my idea of a secret garden. =^_^=  Find your peace today.

Reminder tomorrow’s Ancestor’s day service is at 10:a.m. Tuesday, June 11.



Feliz domingo

fireworks 2015 MG_3540

Happy Mothers day to one and all.  There is no longer a clear line between Mothers and Fathers, in todays world, many single parent wears both hats.  I salute you dear parent.

cup of peace

This photo was taken from the Brazilian PL FB page on Facebook – obrigada




mourning – Ancestors day

a lighthouse in the rain

My mind still talks to you

my heart still looks for you

My soul knows you are at peace

I thank God for having had you

but I still miss you so much!

My niece knew yesterday that I was in having a difficult time… she sent me this quote she found on all-great quotes.com.  I saw it only this morning.  and yes, the above is  all so true.

Ancestors day is celebrated on the 11th of every month in PL   Today is the 11th. Service is at 10 a.m.



PL calendar day 11 – Remember to be thankful and humble.  Appreciate the Makoto (sincerity) of the people who came before you.

But let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of the heavens dance between you.  Love one another but make not a bond of love.  Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls   Khalil Gibran

1st day of Peace

multi craft spring

Bom dia…. Greeting:

The Perfect Liberty philosophy, celebrates each 1st day of the month with a Day of Peace ceremony.  Through this ceremony we pray for World Peace and dedicate ourselves to lie as peaceful human beings in our own worlds, which includes our home, school,work and community (PL members’ guide)

Day 1 PL Calendar     Always live with world peace in your heart

Each and every one of your actions can inspire peace without your family, your community and the world around you.  This peace will eventually help lead to world peace.

March speaks of the coming season.  Soon we will be seeing the first signs of spring, crafters are working on spring décor pieces, artists are regrouping their paint colours, writers are developing new themes.  Creativity is being stirred with new excitements,

Look around today for ways to spread your wings. Make today YOUR day  Give your smile away, it will regenerate and pay forward all day.  Peace,



craft supplies, MultiCraft – Thurston Dr. Ottawa


finding Yoda

IMG_5176I have only been introduced to Yoda in the last year.  Although I had seen him around, obviously I knew of him.  He has only recently come into my immediate “circle” of events, happenings and energies.

He is pretty “cool” I can relate, can you?

PL Precept #15    All is a mirror



picture ht9


meaning – loss


What??  I don’t know, back in 2015 I saw this photo and was intrigued at what it was, what it meant, where it came from.  If I found out, I didn’t record it, so in my files this is what I found, now Feb. 24. 2019

Doing a tidy up, I found a card a group of friends sent me when my husband passed away, “on the loss of your husband”  Store bought, from the American Greeting co. in the States, I reread the message.

“They say life goes on just give yourself time to mourn, and accept and to heal,  Though none of that offers much comfort right now with the sorrow and loss you must feel…  but, there in your heart where you miss him the most where friendship and love never cease, somehow you know that he’d  want nothing more than to see you find comfort and peace”         

As I digested the words of sympathy my friends had sent me, my eyes fell on today’s PL calendar, for day 24

Things that happen to us all have a meaning

Everything that happens to us happens for a reason.  Each and every occurrence is a chance for you to improve yourself.

It is with gratitude that I start my day, and appreciation for you my friends who keep in touch, drop in,  the distance, the miles, time zones, disappear, when I say I appreciate each and every one of you.  I do.  My heart sings with joy when you say hi…  the like button, the thoughtful hellos, and cheerful input,  the nudge now and then, all blessings.

“I have walked that long road to freedom.  I have tried not to falter; I have made missteps along the way.  But I have discovered the secret that after climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. ” Nelson Mandela

We are all ONE with the Universe



Peaceful moment

Sydney Australiaa quote by Khalil Gibran

Yesterday is but today’s memory and tomorrow is today’s dream

PL Calendar – day 18     Look forward to what’s ahead – There is no use brooding over the past  Always try to begin each day anew with a fresh outlook.



December 2

IMG_1644 ireland.9.2018

Here we go.  Tim Horton’s in Ireland. No more can we say, “only in Canada” the world has changed so much over the years.  What hasn’t changed is the bond of friendship that is ongoing, and is built and groomed with unconditional love.  Acceptance, and respect.

Yesterday in PL, being the first of the month, we celebrated with the PL service of Peace.  Every month, on the 1st day of the month. at 10 a.m. all over the world where there is a church,  or a member of  PL, time is made to pray for world peace.  Through the service at the church we pray for World Peace and rededicate ourselves to live as a peaceful human being, in our own worlds, which includes, our home, school, work and communities.

When we love with makoto “sincerity” and dedication of purpose, we are blessed with love in our lives that continues to shine, forever and always.  It is not measured in earthly ways, days, months, years, it is, simply life itself. Like breathing in and out. we don’t count how often we breathe in and out during our days and nights, we just Breathe …. Love should be in our action, words and hearts.  Always.

Life is Art.  PL Precept #1

Harmony leads to world peace



reminder. Pick up your 2019 calendar at the church, if you are unable to get to the church and would like one, contact me  thank you, obrigada/o


haunting beauty

IMG_7392walks in forgotten places

the whisper of the leaves

as they are temporarily displaced

by intruding footsteps

on the well-worn path

the memory haunts me

the path remains, but you are gone

no longer will we explore the unknown

for you have gone into the unknown

You have found peace forever more.

While I wait on the shore

listening for signs, that on earth, one day

peace and happiness will be found around the world

Till then, the haunting beauty will remind me of home

and the comfort of unconditional love, beyond here and into the unknown.


PL Precept #14      World Peace is everything

PL Precept #15        All is a mirror


photo hT9

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