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Posts tagged ‘wonders of the world’

wonders of..

wonders of the world

Plodding along on a hiking trail in Ireland, and …. hello……… The Valley of Love in Ireland, ….almost a mile long and over a half a mile high, it is said to be 3000 years older than the Pyramids. I will have to do more research on this, but it sure would stop me in my tracks.  I’m filled with questions, on how it was built, and why?  especially thousands of years ago, when there wasn’t the technology that is around today.  How did the craftsman, or men, work and maintain perspective.  I wondered if it was  even real, then I found it posted on a site that featured, all the world’s best wonders… allworldbest.blogspot.com   wonders 2

In today’s world, with information made available to us from all quarters of the world, what we hear about and see on the telly,news stations and print media, is usually about all the negatives that humans seem to delight on inflicting on others..  Is this what we want to be remembered for.

wonders 3

These ruins, remnants of a past civilization, are beautiful and certainly a testament to what a human is capable of.  What happened to the people? where did they go? and why did they go?. Scholars have been studying and writing papers and books about this for years.wonders 4 - Brazil

Brazil a city with passion and a lot of problems, will this also one day be a monument of wonder surrounded by ruins and a vacated city? With human minds wondering what went wrong, and why did the people leave.  No longer can one sit in front of a television set to be entertained with music and song, theatre and art, now we are asked to pay and pay again, for viewing that is more to our taste.  What we are given for basic television, is the news coverage of all the horrors in the world, the crime, the shooting, the drama of cheating husbands and wives, agents that kill and spy on us, we have made room in our homes for the savage nature in the human mind.wonders 5

Our rivers are being polluted, majestic tress are being cut, whole sections of century old forest are being laid bare, many species of animals are becoming extinct, weather changes are severe, and still we heed not the warnings.  We seem obsessed with material wealth, superficial wants, and sordid passions that leave a soul empty and bleeding.

wonders,satue of Liberty

Most of  us know this wonder, the statue of Liberty in the United States, besides a tourist attraction, do you know what she stands for…..  ????  The greatest wonder of all, is that Universe we live in, yet we disrespect it from morning to night. The Universe we live in is not aside from us, it is part of us, we are part of the Universe…. no more… no less…

Cherish the being in YOU, love the world and all that it is… only you can help with changing what the world is today, it is we, you and I as a unit that will give strength to living in a world of peace.

PL Precept #21 Live In Perfect Liberty

PL Precept # 1   Life is Art

Namaste   –   Oyashikiri


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