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Posts tagged ‘Shelby Lynne’

un momento por favor.. 1 moment please

Iireland x

Good morning everyone!

Some places stay with us for a very, very long time.  They stand tall, their structure and history a reminder of yesterdays long before our time.  Others age, and well, they too remind us of another time, yet they don’t show their age as well.  Just maybe, they should be put to rest.  Both tell a story.



It took all of one second yesterday for me to “know” that I had to get away from the sounds of demolition. I changed, grabbed my purse, said goodbye and left.  My husband understood, he had the car out of the garage and ready to go by the time I was at the back door.  I’m very blessed in many ways, a loving husband who cares and has a way of understanding when he needs to just “let me go”  he does.   One’s personal space is so very important in a relationship, I confess to (in my younger days)  not being as good at recognizing the signs as I am today.

We all need a “time out” a space in time where we can clear our heads, and sort out or organize our thoughts and emotions. , Yesterday I was on auto pilot.  I trusted, I believed and I acted.  As the miles sped by i could feel the tension in my shoulders release, I hadn’t even realized they were tight till I felt the easing of the shoulder blades, and actually heard my involuntary sigh.   Ah …yes…. in that one moment, I felt the shift in my internal gears.  The car was going by all the fast food places, smile. the city would soon be well behind me.  I took a left and headed  down the highway past the farms, and the  towards the House of Lazarus in very small country village. It is a food bank and thrift shop for the villages and towns in the area.  There is always a good selection of books to peruse, and if I was lucky a good CD to keep me company on my “adventure”  I found 3 good books and shouting, and  jumping out at me was a CD that I had worn out when I had it.. Shelby Lynne’s Sunrise.



Like these door knobs, my taste in music is varied and eclectic, changing over the years, and with my “moods”. I could tell from the cover, it would likely be on the country side, but I didn’t really remember the songs.  I couldn’t say to you, wow on this CD she sang  X Y Z.  I didn’t remember, I just knew the CD cover, I couldn’t even have told you what this Shelby Lynne sounded like.  Again I listened to my inner voice, and happily carried it to the car.  Believing in your choices, living your moments, I can’t tell you enough, just how powerful and wonderful the experiences are/ become.  Once that CD started to play, I sky rocketed not into sounds of rocking country that cooked, but into a time and place that took over every inch of my living breathing self.

Shelby Lynne’s voice, her music, her songs had me back in time where my heart was broken, lost, wanting and/or grieving, oh it was so so  heartfelt.  Instantly I felt the tears wanting to fall, they gathered and nudged at the back of my eyes, seeking escape.  One lonely tear did fall, but come on guys.. really… I wasn’t sad, why this need to feel this emotion. The Universe works in strange ways.  I’ve always accepted that, (not always graciously)  Once again, once I accepted that  hey, Shelby was going to be my friend and companion on this journey I was making, I felt good and joined her in song.  I knew almost every words.  Why not, there was no one to hear me, well ok, no one that hasn’t heard me bellow before.  I did turn the volume down when I got to the border crossing (into the States).

Echeveria feeling so sad by Alan shapiro photography on flickr

I’ve been waiting a long time to use this pictures, the photographer called or tagged this photo,  echeveria-feeling-so-sad-by-alan-shapiro-photography…..   I myself see happiness and joy when I see his photograph, so there you go… different strokes for different folks. =^_^=      Anyway, I’m using it now because my listening to the CD yesterday, made me very happy, it reminded me of loves I’ve lost, but also brought home how lucky I am now in the new loves I’ve found.  I’ve noticed over the years, that people shy away from saying I love you , I care… in country songs, often they may sing of love lost, or yearned for, but they sing of LOVE..   love is such a powerful and positive emotion   Love is life.     I can’t imagine a life without love.

Life will always have its up and down moments.  Remember that  moment you are living is just that.  A moment in time.  

Thank you for being part of my day and my world.  I do love you all.  Each and everyone of you bring something special into my life.  May the Universe grant that you will find happiness in any transition you may be facing.  if you are letting go,  may you have the help you need to embrace the new.  If you are faced with a challenge you are given undiminished zeal.  In all these ways, may the blessings of the Divine/Tao be upon you.             Oyashikiri



photographs – top one, Ireland somewhere, all were found on Pinterest


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