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Posts tagged ‘safety’


Beautiful snow covered landscape is so pretty .. that is what it looks like out there at the moment, temperatures dropped, so snow fell over the treacherous black ice/ & plain frozen over rain from yesterdays downpour. Temperatures dropped overnight to the mid twenties and are expected to stay below freezing for most of the day. Though precipitation is expected to stop sometimes this morning and from then it will be sunny… till maybe Saturday..

It can’t be stressed enough if you are going to come out to the woodlands … if you have them, wear cleats. Walking will be dangerous, Falls at this time of year can be “painful”.

Flexibly adapt to changes. The world around you changes, and so do you. Enjoy the transformations and deal with them flexibly.

Perfect Liberty 2015.31

Will give you some colour to begin your day..



Oophs, sometimes we fall down

Oophs, sometimes we fall down

Not careful, too busy talking, or looking around, and oophs we land on our laurels. After the initial shock of the jarring thud when you land, usually you have to take a few minutes to regroup before getting up. If you are on ice, like I was here, you have to navigate carefully or you’ll go down again.
You’ll also note that I wasn’t wearing the proper footwear to be walking across a frozen pond.
I’m a visual person. Seeing the results of my fall, imprints the lesson – prepare for an outing, dress properly.
Be mindful of your surroundings.
Yes, look around, but be aware of where you are, and think before you embark on what could be a tricky situation.

Dec 4 pm_010This little bit of a winter wonderland is in Haven Shire, I will give you the taxi to the Wind and the Willows build (by Sweecah), next door to her is Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs, andbeside Snow white is Weilo Bailey’s Winter Wonderland. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Haven%20Shire/173/90/21.  You can also see more pictures on my other blog http://virtualluna.blogspot.ca

When you fall down in life, dust yourself off and get on with what you wanted to do.  Sometimes the fall was meant to slow you down so that you  would take notice of the world around you.    smilePencil

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