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today’s lessons

hawksbury ice

This is what ice and cold can do to a perfectly good wharf over a winter season.  In my journey west of the city yesterday, the ice and snow was gone.  Today my travels were taking me towards Montreal, on the old hwy.  After a stop for some supplies in the town of Alfred (famous for its fries, and small bakery) we decided to return home via Hawksbury.  Already as we had been making our way east, we saw how there was still snow in the fields.


It had been such a mild day yesterday, with the sun so bright today, I was ill prepared for how cold it was by the water. Like duh… look at the ice, it is still in chunks and plenty of it. Never-the-less I had a great day, the dogs got to walk in new territory, I got to browse and peruse two floors of supplies for my card making.  I decided to try the Motorola cell phone to take some of the pictures, I usually use my all-purpose iPhone when wandering.


Thought I’d do a colour and clarity test.  I had been very happy with the Motorola till I went back to using my iPhone for my one and only means of communication (phone/cell) we did away with our land line.


Sometimes, the mind just wants to try something different, and needs to experiment and be creative.  One of my “lessons” in life is to try to be less lazy.  Yes I said lazy.  I was going to bring my “wellies” but didn’t because it would have meant going back in the house and carrying them out to the car.  that meant, when I wanted to get a good picture of the above tractor, I had to stay in the truck because the ground around was simply too muddy and wet for my “expensive dress shoes”  You might as well get the tissue box out, there is more.


There was some wonderful old wall paper (cornflowers) in the old house.  The door was wide open, I could see inside.  Because I didn’t have the proper footwear, I had to stay on the road, for this picture.  So I can only tell you how pretty it was, even stained and aged.  It sent my mind into story telling mode, I wanted to write about what it must have been like living in the old house when it was young and vibrant.  We drove on with the passing miles so did the mood.  I was looking forward to seeing the pictures that I did get.



There are repercussions to actions we take or don’t make time for.  Here is how it goes, I took great pictures with the Motorola, when we got home I was keen to see them, they looked great. BUT when I came to send them to the computer (desktop) they wouldn’t load.  I tried to hook the cell phone up to the hard drive, so that I could copy the files from the phone to my PC, that wouldn’t work either, I kept getting an empty message.

Grrrr I had in mind what I wanted to write about and the pictures I wanted to use.  This is where PL Precept # 4 Being Annoyed limits your Expression..  comes in mighty handy.  I spent a long time, trying everything I could think of, I realized that to move the pictures I might have to figure out how to resize the pictures, one by one.  Then I thought to send them to my Flickr page, but that didn’t work because for some reason, I couldn’t log in.

I got out the Pl Principles and looked for positive support, PL Principle #1 is I will live paying careful attention, putting Makoto (sincerity) into all I say and do.  Right away, I knew that I had not been applying that to my actions during the day.  I was enjoying myself yes, but I did things without thinking through or considering the consequences. PL Principle #8. I will not have a mind to be greedy.  and yes, I was wanting to do this, this and this.. I was not taking time to appreciate what I was doing I was just reacting to my “wants”.

PL Principle # 3   I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things.

Like the frozen ice, and the effects it had on the material objects around it, when it froze, thawed, and froze up again, nothing stayed the same, with each change the water/ice/snow went through, there was a change to the inanimate objects around and on it.

Siberia, Russia

I did get some of the pictures, but others are lost to me at the moment, this last picture was taken in Siberia (photographer unknown) I think my mind spent some time astral traveling today, it was a good day, a lot of exciting moments, and for sure some good lessons for me to consider and work on.

One of the reasons I love life so much, is that everyday is a new beginning.  Having wonderful friends, and an ongoing communication with God, means that the blessings are always there, we need only recognize them, appreciate them and grow in LOVE.

Namaste        –       Oyashikiri

PL Precept #11  Always be with God

first sentence in PL Principle # 14

I will not have a mind to be lazy

last picture is from Pinterest

others are my own

Comments on: "today’s lessons" (5)

  1. Very nice pics………………..

  2. Each photo tells such an expressive story. Beautiful…

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