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Posts tagged ‘Queenstown’


Being aware. involved, each day, almost every moment of our waking hours when we are mindful, we have pathways that open up and we are faced with what path we will follow.

Good Morning everyone =^_^= I have enjoyed researching how I would present this today, thank you for this opportunity and for the moment we are now sharing.

802ae102e1e78e7bba5162a4b3382da3Calm, peaceful, less journeyed, pristine, the photographer captured the silence of the moment, even though it shows that a vehicle can travel this road, it doesn’t capture that, the picture draws us in, so that if we are very quiet,we will hear the birds  and the rustle of leaves as the forest animals go about their business.It is very inviting.

bbcea7536952526366ec1d1d2c53f6d9This amazing shot was posted by visitjapan.com it is of Yuki-no-Otani snow canyon road in Japan.  The walls of snow are approximately 5 stories high.  Whew I see a car driving along there, hmmm do I want to be in it?  Actually if you really look there are many other cars so it is a well traveled road, still as beautiful as it is I might like to travel the road in a different season.



LOL now this picture, taken in New Zealand, where it seems there are many such roads to entice the adventurous soul, is approx. 22 km of winding treacherous road with no guard rails (Skippers Canyon near Queenstown) Look at the country side, I would love to be  there, however I don’t think in that particular vehicle pulling a load.

Being mindful, means choices, participating in the decisions/challenges the Universe provides us with.  Nature gives us the landscapes/tools, God provides! What path will you take today?

The leading line of the path leads the eye directly to the maple tree.


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