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Mineral Flowers @ Danakii Desert in Ethiopia

mineral flowers, dalloi volcano by pascal baegli flickr


This is a picture of acid lakes in the Dallol volcano * beautiful sight isn’t it. Zillions of tiny mineral deposits come together to form magnificent little rosettes that in turn, weave and join together to form natural basins for the acid waters to form.  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, how often have we heard that!

It is interesting how different cultures, we go about finding a mate, or partner.  In traveling to the East, I had occasion to speak with a number of different women who were in(what appeared)  very happy relationships, and who were all from arranged marriages.  I say arranged, not the way necessarily that the west has portrayed them but arranged never-the-less.  Having spent the majority of my working life working  as a Stress Management Specialist in Health Care, where over  65% of the issues I dealt with stemmed from unhappy relationships, and in many ways very unhealthy “coupling”.  I was impressed with the natural harmony I saw and felt when talking to these woman.  They found men with common interests and goals, learned what they could about whether or not their goals were similar and found out if their paths were on the same playing field. Then made a decision on whether or not to go forward in a relationship.   This also applied to the men, looking for a wife.   Two criteria, practical and long term.  I’ve simplified this of course , more at another time.

In the culture I’ve lived in here in North America, and the social interactions that I’ve even participated in, is very different.  We seem to be attracted first to the “looks”  (outer wrappings ) of the object  we “desire”.   We can date someone for months and yes even years, and know deep down they are not satisfying our inner needs, yet …we hold on….. why…. out of fear of being alone.  Not having someone to be part of a couple with, so when we go out with friends, or go places we are doing it with someone else.  EVEN WHEN, the activities we are attending or doing (and this applies to both men and women) are not what we really want to be doing.  Ah HAH!!!!  ring any bells.  If you are going to do something, do it because you want to, do it with sincerity in your heart.  If you choose to do something, then do it with joy and enthusiasm,  you are the only person who is in control of your choices. 

nature,natural terrace pool,Pamukkale,Turkey

I like to live quietly in harmony with Nature. To know what you find compatible with your way of life, you first have to know your SELF, and what you want!.  By doing this, you will find a greater sense of inner beauty and calm.     God/Nature/Universe is with us always!         Oyashikiri


Acid Lakes -Ethiopia -photographer Pascal Boegli> Pboog flickr

** Natural terrace pools  Pamukkale,Turkey (turbotwister.ru)


Comments on: "Buongiorno good morning everyone!" (1)

  1. Fascinating pics. Oh for sure, we all need to take time to know and be comfortable with ourselves. Seeking another to make ourselves complete will likely end in unhappiness. A good relationship is a bonus to our own completeness. Thanks Q.

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