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Did you know?

If you rub a potato on your snow goggles before you start your descent, do it when you get on the ski lift.  rub raw potato over the goggles, and your ride down should be nice and clear.

Out of silver polish, take a few potatoes and boil them up.  Remove them from the water and save them for another use.  Put your silverware in the potato water, let it sit for about an hour, then remove the silverware and wash.  Tarnish should be gone.

One more.  Use slices of raw cold potatoes over your eyes, to make the puffiness go away.

Calorie free uses of the multi- purpose  potato.   smilePencil

http://www.pinterest.com/pin/66639269459829037/   come on now, click on the link, let me take you to a different place…..

Lessons can be learned through awareness.  If you think of the hardest thing for you to do and how much you resist it, then you are looking at your greatest lesson at that moment.  don’t let resistance stop you from making changes.  Observe yourself, watch how you resist, then go ahead anyway.  Here are some non verbal clues, of how our actions often show our resistance…   Changing the subject  >> Leaving the room >> Going to the bathroom >> Being late >>> Getting sick >> Procrastinating by doing something else, doing busy work, wasting time, etc….

Then of course there are the verbal clues – “I’m waiting for the stars to say it’s OK….>>>>>>> This is not the right environment >>>>> “they ” won’t let me change >>> It’s all “their” fault.>>>> how many more can your fill in here.

Oh and let’s not forget the self concepts >>> Too old >>>>Too young >>>> Too fat>>>> Maybe its just all too much >>>> and if we are honest with ourselves, there are the delaying tactics, denial and fear.  Truth is… the  process begins the moment we begin to think about making a change.

TAO ..The only constant in life is change …

PL .. Have the courage to take the first step. break free, start something new… believe in yourself and take the first step…

photo 2 (2)

Travel on past the line of trees…

Have a great day, set your mind free…

Good Morning everyone!  =^_^=   one potato, two potato, three potato, four.…  Give me a hug, and I’ll want more!   Now to church I’m going, I’m out the door!

picture 1 is from Pinterest,  Picture 2, was taken by Q

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