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Nos momentos dificeis da vida….. in difficult moment of life,..step back, stop and listen to the voice within. If you can… visit a place where you can meditate/pray … take in the silence, the quiet, let your body/mind recalibrate, release negative and worrisome energies.. In areas where the seasons change, the transition from winter to spring can be a gradual change or a dramatic explosion … ie. severe weather warnings, forest fires, flooding..

You are never alone, even if at times it feels that way… Turn on the flame of hope… let the Universe help you to find inner peace.., The rain will feed the plants that are waking after being dormant for months on end .. spring flowers are blooming, the other day I passed many lilac bushes already bursting with colour.. I would have gotten out to see if their fragrance was filling the air, however.. I was stopped from following that thought process,, when I saw the mosquitoes eagerly waiting for me to get out of the car.

Life is a balance…. PL Precept # 20 Live maintaining equilibrium between mind and matter..

Pl Precept #1 life is art

Here are some of the birds I’ve heard singing these past couple of mornings.. chestnut sided warbler, gray catbird, red eyed Vireo, Great Crested Fly Catcher ,Oven bird, wood thrush, hermit thrush, there were of course many others, but these are the newer ones for me.


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