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Posts tagged ‘inner self’

solitude in crowded busy places


We have all at one time or another been in such a place, either an airport, train station, bus station, exhibition grounds, it could be anywhere. There is a constant flow of activity around you. You need to unwind, slow down, chill. what do you do?


For me, I turn off, I zone out. This skill didn’t come to me overnight, it is a life long practice that is akin to prayer and meditation.  I close my eyes and turn inward to the quiet within me. Serenity,peace, joy… these are inner qualities of “self”.  Our connection to God/Tao… Life.  PL Precept # 3, God appears through One’s Self... We can’t always travel to distant lands to meditate and pray in temples and at shrines.  There are countries where the churches and temples are open for those who wish to pray and communicate with “the Divine”.  In North America this is not always possible except at given times and days.

When we learn to meditate/pray in a way that connects to our inner “Self”, then no matter where we are, even in a crowded room. we can connect to the quiet and peace within. we rejuvenate, energize and mend the tired/shattered psyche .. giving us that needed extra boost to get on with creativity of our day/night.  PL Precept #21  – Live in Perfect Liberty


Namaste – Oyashikiri



pictures 1 & 2 Japan,  #1 tokyo airport #2, Kenroku-en gardens, Kanazawa

#3 lotus flowr macro by Bahman Farzad on flickr

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