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It has been hot very hot in this neck of the woods. The forecast is for a very unusually hot summer.. Spring was actually very wet for a good chunk of it, and now we are being visited by H O T weather .. so hot that even the sun/heat worshippers are being cautious about time spent outdoors. One of the hikers that I see on a regular basis out doing his walks/hikes . in all kinds of weather, has actually taken a break.. it was that bad.. and where the mosquitos and such usually start tapering off when the heat hits.. they have taken to gathering and attacking anyone that dares enter the cover of darkness (where the trees/woods are lush with vegetation)

Even the wild turkeys urge me to hurry up and get out of the car… so that they can breakfast and move away into the inner regions of the bog to find shade and a reprieve from the heat. The beavers, groundhog and rabbits stay in their dens. coming out only in the very early wee hours as the sun makes its appearance.

I am sorry with the passing of my long time companion and teacher (yes, Keeper taught me a lot) animals can’t voice with us, but they can communicate in a very clear way when they want something or want you to respond or interact with them. Someone sent me a text about what the wild turkeys eat at the “diner” when they come.

Depending on the season, their preference is whole corn kernels.. but in the spring/summer I have added what the suppliers calls “scratch” it is broken kernels of corn with various seeds, grains etc. (a feed they give chickens and such) I mix that with sunflower seeds. This way, all the smaller birds that like to join in on the buffet get to have some “easy pickings”

The turkeys at P23 .. the big boys, like the one you see above, to be smart asses.. will go over to where the blue jays/squirrels and chippies are eating and grab a peanut or two.. shake it and maybe give it back, but now, often they just swallow it down in one gulp. and casually walk away, Hope that helps.. even the mourning doves will come to share a meal.

Note, I had several packages of the dried veggies and freeze dried meat that were for sprinkling over Keepers prescribed dry food she had to eat… (made it more palatable) I sprinkled small amounts over along the side where the rabbits and groundhogs like to come for fresh greens. (wild grasses and ground cover) … and they nibbled away at that, This was an expensive treat.. but Keeper would approve of my sharing her no longer needed food with the wildlife. Keeper was an old soul.

Have a good day everyone. Life is to be lived and enjoyed… our time here is limited. We all have a best before/expiry date.

ps. yes I am considering offering a refresher course on “body rhythms/awareness” again for those interested in meditation in motion. Small class limited space.

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