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Posts tagged ‘humankind’



This is a vintage print that appeared in a mailing I received, I wish I could credit the artist, but I can’t.   Art is very subjective, what appeals to me, may not be your cup of tea.  For me the moment I saw this print, I was mesmerized.  The colours, the position of the model, the bird cage, the total image evoked a sense of longing in me. Certainly not in a negative way, just a feeling, a passion that set me to wanting to create prose, or write a poem.  I’m sure that at one time or another, such moments have happened to you.   What do we do with these inspirations, these “ah Ha” light bulb moments.. do we act on them, or does the moment pass and we move on.

PL Precept # 3 – God appears through one’s self……..

In PL (Perfect Liberty) we believe that the Universe is always guiding and directing us,  It is we who fail to listen or hear…when something happens out of the blue, or suddenly we find ourselves faced with a challenge we are not prepared for.  In Pl we see that as an act or happening created by the Universe to get our attention. We are taught to take stock, pay attention, open our minds to possibilities, to focus and seek resolution.

PL Precept # 7 – Everything exists in Relativity….

When I saw the above print, it started a thought process, that began with the emotions I felt when I saw the print, and then the various stages of evolution the initial thought produced in my mind’s data base.  More than 12 hours later I still wanted to share the print with you.  Perhaps it will inspire a thought process in you?

For me… it had me looking for a gaudy ring full of bling…….  go figure……..hey…………….. what is… is, I  share with you all of me, imperfections included.!



The PL 21 Precepts reveal the true path of life for all humankind.  Beginning with Precept #1, Life is Art…. as the foundation.  There are 20 more precepts that stem from it and are closely interrelated with one another.  Each Precept is written in simple and clear language, but the truth revealed in their words applies Universally to ALL….

Thank you to all of you who read and follow me on my journey.  You are my inspiration.

Namaste    –   Oyashikiri

pictures found on social media

Asking for your help please

Good Morning everyone I’m going to try to share my post from this morning on another of my blogs with you.  I would like your help in praying for World Peace.  


August 1 is a very important date in the PL church.  We come together to celebrate Founders’ Day “Kyososai”.  this is a day where we express our most sincere appreciation to Oshieoya and the First and Second Founders who are still working spiritually for the rapid realization of true World Peace. Also on August 1, a special ceremony is held where we honour all of those who lost their lives in wars, regardless of race, religion or nationality.  In this ceremony we console their spirits and pray for the everlasting peace of humankind. In North American, service will be at  7 pm – please take a few moments to join with us in silent prayer.  If you are near a church you are welcome to join us in person.  the blog above will give you co-ordinates. Share this blog with friends, we need as much support as we can get. We all want to see a better world, where people co-exist  in peace. – To achieve World Peace, it begins with each and every one of us doing our part. 518be33a98b982800ebb1c8e6306ba53

It can be done, we can do it.  We will do it.

Namste   –   Oyashikiri

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