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Posts tagged ‘personal growth’

Let’s Be Simple and Straight-Forward With Our Expressions

PL teaching, day 26 > Let’s Be Simple and Straight-Forward With Our Expressions > If you hold your feelings in, you will always be filled with worry. Always make effort to express yourself freely so you can live with a clear state of mind.

PL is a “living religion” that provides meaning for the hear and now on a daily basis.  In PL, we live enjoying each moment in the here and now.  Pl exists to supports its members fully in gaining a greater understanding of our existence as human beings in this very physical world.  It helps us to improve our life on a daily basis. If you are searching for a spiritual path, with more relevance to your present daily life, we welcome you.  You will find contact information on our websites. (see links in sidebar)

PL Church is a “spiritual  home away from home”  a place to find your “Inner Self”

2012-12-11 Church PL 5.13 008 ………….  Life revolves.  We cannot go back 1 minute, or one day.  Engage life and maintain your pace.………

Let’s First Accept and Appreciate Things as They Are

PL teaching day 25 > Let’s First Accept and Appreciate things as They Are. Even when dealing with someone you don’t like or when you are facing an uncomfortable situation, take a moment to first accept whatever comes your way.  There is always something that you can learn from these situations.  Let’s First Accept and Appreciate Things as They Are.

There is a pure essence of innocence in all of  us. When we were children our actions were not to achieve for  some ulterior motive, we simply acted on our intuition.  Today looking in a mirror and seeing myself  in an outfit that hugged my figure, I realized that I had to be more accepting of my outline, and  appreciate my healthy body. Looking in the mirror, reminded me of a story recently published in the Portuguese newsletter (Jornal Perfeita Liberdade) from Brazil, (Feb.2013 issue) no matter how many times I feel a lesson has been learned, looking in a mirror, brings home a very NOW reality.  Even as a child, I found reason to complain about how I looked.  Self perception is a lesson that I will likely be working on for many moons to come.

PL teaches that when we are puzzled or at a standstill in regards to a particular issue, a spontaneous method (listening to our intuition) could lead to a highly creative and original solution (new way of seeing something)  Act without guile and do not attack the problem directly, Let’s First Accept and Appreciate Things as They Are.

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Look for Ways to Make Others as Well as Yourself Happy

PL teaching day 24 > Look for Ways to make Others as Well as Yourself Happy > It isn’t enough to do things just to make yourself happy.  Let’s always think of outcomes that make not only you, but others around you happy as well. <> Look for Ways to Make Others as Well as Yourself Happy.

Personally I have found that when I am happy, truly happy, I find the world and all around me to be very balanced and my encounters with others amicable.  I have learned over the years that the only changes I can make, are to myself and my own actions.  When I am at peace, my energy cultivates a more serene environment.

Perfect Liberty teaches that we are all born with our one of a kind personality and Makoto (individuality and a unique character)  When you are able to express yourself to the fullest from moment to moment, believing in God, without losing sight of your God given individuality (Makoto) you will be able to experience the true joy of living.  When we can express ourselves fully, we are happy.

It is our mission to attain “Great World Peace”, to build a world of love and respect for all. Oneness.

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Saying “Thank You” Creates a Heart to Heart Connection

Perfect Liberty teaching day 15

Saying “Thank You” Creates a Heart to Heart Connection.  If you don’t put your thoughts into words and actions, you will not be able to express how you truly feel.  By expressing your gratitude in words, you can get your feelings across fully.

Sometimes being comfortable with a friend, relative, partner in life, we can forget to say “thank you” after a time, assuming that they know we appreciate them, and what they do for us.  That is taking them for granted.  I love my husband very much, it is impossible to say thank you for all the small things  he does for me/us on a daily basis, but I try as often as I can to let him know just how special he is.  I’ve discovered, that not only does it bring a smile to his face, it pleases me no end, that we’ve shared a heart to heart moment.  Father’s Day is coming soon, it is good that we have put aside one day to celebrate the special man/men in our lives.  However I personally feel that every day should be a day of gratitude and saying ” Thank You” to the special people who touch our hearts.

Saying “Thank You” Creates a Heart to Heart Connection.

Page 19 PL Members’ Guide  – When we live making our best efforts, following God’s law and relying on the Divine, we can fully express ourselves.


Listen With Your Heart and Your Mind

When you are listening to someone, give them your fullest attention.  Turning your body towards them, listen for the feeling behind their words so that you can truly understand what they are trying to tell you.

Listen With Your Heart and Your Mind.  Today’s Perfect Liberty teaching.  I start each day reading the daily teaching and try to carry it as best as I can throughout my day.  Doing this every day, you find that soon it becomes the natural way to respond and you develop  a greater understanding and connection to the person(s) you interact with.  How many times have you found yourself in a conversation that is one sided?  Someone will ask how you are, and before you can really answer they have launched into their own recounting of what has happened to them.  At such times I realize that the person’s need to share information and have someone listen is what is important in that moment.  I listen.  Not always, but more often then not, in listening, I hear not only the words but the feelings that accompany those words.  For that space in time, there is a connection between the person talking, and myself.  It might have been a sad story, an anxiety expressed, a happy moment retold, whatever it was, for me it was a moment shared.  I feel glad and happy to have been able to share that moment in time with my family  member/friend/acquaintance.  My happiness and comfort in sharing, transfers to the person I’m interacting with, when we can connect with another individual in a personal way, a sharing way, that is a real “hug”

Too often in life we say love, hugs and kisses, or make affectionate  sounds, but do we really feel the “comfort” and “joy” (closeness)

Listen With Your Heart and Your Mind.

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