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really ?

Take your pick, what will you have today?

Ever wonder what is on your mind? Last night I had this brilliant idea, but of course, when I woke this morning, it was gone.

Recent conversation. Friend. I hear you got a cat. Me. Yes I did. Friend. .So, what is he/she like? Me. I don’t know. Friend. You don’t know? Me. No, he came in and I haven’t seen him since.

Think I’m joking…. guess what… I’m not.

So this is my day, how is yours?

For Thursday Doors, please visit Dan’s No Facilities site.https://nofacilities.com/2024/06/27/day-of-travel-doors/ there will be a lot of doors to discover, enjoy!

OK I do know this, he is eating, using his litter and except for one brief conversation at me, he is quiet. NO, he has not come near me, or have we been in the same room together. Does a 5 second, pause and acknowledge and then skedaddle count?


steamed hot dogs – scallops – fried banana

Comments on: "really ?" (8)

  1. I sometimes wake up and send myself those ideas, or jot them down. Many times, when I read them in the morning, they make no sense.

    I love the photos, but I am hungry. Those scallops and the hot dogs look so good!

  2. Handsome selection of doors

  3. He’ll get used to you and the surroundings soon enough. He can’t help but warm up to you. 🙏🏼

  4. Great selection of doors. But if you are asking me to pick what I like best, well it is the hotdogs haha

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