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Posts tagged ‘a tree’

little tree

A little tree sits on the forest floor

her friend the stump is being a bore

she dreams of growing tall

so she can be the belle of the Xmas ball

he reminds her that when the snow comes

she won’t be seen at all….

Everyone knows someone like her friend the stump

always ready to pounce on dreams

what a chump!

Fortunately she knows her worth,

the snow will keep her warm and safe during the winter months

she knows next spring, she will continue to grow

and the chump, Mr. stump will still be just that

a stunted lump of wood being over run

by the growth on the forest floor.

She smiles, in time, she will be able to shield and protect him

from the blazing sun, then he will know,

she will be his one true friend till the end.

Never loose sight of how much potential you have

don’t be content with the status quo,

for when you pray and believe in yourself

Your spirit will grow =^_^=

time is on your side, when we allow life to move us along

in the natural rhythm(s) of the Universe,

one step at a time, from one season to another

our roots will be deeply entrenched in solid ground

our branches will reach up high into the sky

and, and, we will live on forever….

isn’t “and” a wonderful word…


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