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Posts tagged ‘well wishes’

Being cheerful


December arrives, and the excitement starts to build

The airwaves are full of happy songs anticipating the festive holidays

As children it didn’t matter what or where the holiday originated

not really, it was that everyone seemed so happy, and time was made

for decorating, planning and having friends and family over.

It centered around an evergreen tree, if you were lucky  enough to have

one fresh from the farm or farmer’s market, the smell of the freshly cut

tree would permeate the house.

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In school, we were told about what Christmas meant to our classmates

and how, the spirit of goodwill to all, was the lesson we should be learning

Mostly we were from different backgrounds, and the teacher would do

his/her best to  show us how in respecting each other’s  differences

we could all enjoy this wonderful holiday together.  Learn from each other

and share in the giving of “loving one another” and working towards

“peace on earth”

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We were encouraged to make something special for those we cared about

it was a time where we made time to find something to give our

closest friends and parents something from the “heart”

It wasn’t about the cost, but about showing how that person brought

happiness into our lives by sharing their lives with ours.

Xmas cards were so much fun to make or pick out, each with a message

that was specific to that friend or parent.

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There was an innocence, a joy, it felt good to say Merry Christmas.. to one and all

Not for religious reasons, but because it was being respectful, and caring.

Like saying, “have a great day and life”  Almost always it brought a smile for a response.

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Yes, the world is changing, and Yes there are now many more cultures that have come together

under one umbrella.  The month of December is the one time that should be Universal in maintaining

the spirit of Christmas.. (Xmas)….. we are all ONE… we all love, hurt, endure,and live one day at a time.

We want health, happiness and longevity for ourselves and our loved ones.  no matter who we are….

let us celebrate this holiday, with the mantra of “goodwill to all”

allow the cheerfulness of the season, to bring glad tidings to all…..

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Love makes all things possible

God is love

Namaste      –      Oyashikiri

PL Precept 11  Always be with God

PL Precept # 3   God appears through one’s self.

PL Precept 15    All is a mirror.



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