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Monday morning

A beautiful morning, started at Dewberry and went on next Mer Bleue. I’m pleased with this new app. it tells me that in the last 15 days, I have hit the 50K mark.. Not sure what that is, I still measure in miles, but I do know I average 2 miles a day. (tracked data)… often I don’t have the app tracking .. I’m active, but the cell phone is sitting on a side table or on my desk. Such is life =^_^=

Also note, that today I used a stronger repellent, and I’m pleased to report, that I was hardly bothered by pesky insects. I could see them swarming, but they kept a good distance from me.. I actually stopped. sat on a bench and closed my eyes, allowing the sun and sounds to filter through and just enjoy! It was delightful.

Leaving Mer Bleue I saw two wild turkeys cross the road, and walk along on the side of the road, but on the other side of the ditch. I know I took pictures, but can I find them……….no……not at the moment. =^_^=

the vegetation is so lush… I was there very early between 7- 7:30 a.m. might try to get there even earlier later this week.

Instead of being excessively concerned about others, focus on what you should do.

Perfect Liberty 2021.31

Comments on: "Monday morning" (6)

  1. It does look lush! Turkeys are a fun find.

    • yes, and I’m actually fond of them.. they rather saunter, I’ve seen them often now.. and always they seem to be casual, and laid back…
      I can’t say I feel the same about the look of the turkey vulture! ugh..

      • Oh I love turkey vultures, too! They clearly love soaring the skies and doing acrobatic maneuvers. And they clean up our roadkill, too.

  2. A kilometer is 5/8 of a mile – I make 50k just over 31 miles – but check my sums 🙂

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