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Velcro Dec. 2023

Keeper 6.15.2024

Canaille Spring 2018

Comments on: "R.I.P." (13)

  1. I am so sorry.

  2. Condolences

  3. Nicholas Vrtis said:

    Sorry to hear. Hugs to you

  4. Michael Sammut said:

    Sorry to hear that. My sincere condolences.

  5. I am so sorry to read this, Dymoon. You must be heartbroken. 😔 💔 Sending you warm hugs.

  6. Condolences. Losing a doggy companion makes a person lost in the wilderness. Big hugs.

  7. I am so sorry.

    • Thanks Cindy, there have been losses in the past .. this one hit me very hard, perhaps it is because she and I aged together and shared life after my husband passed. don’t know.. life is what it is, right… thank you for caring and reaching out. HUGS

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