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Posts tagged ‘collectables’

vintage ? old? new?

vintage 4.17.17First, let me begin by telling you I do not collect dolls.  I have over the years belonged to the CDAA (Canadian Doll Artist Association) a club that no longer exists.  We were doll artists from all over the world who had an interest in one of a kind dolls.  Certainly not the kind of doll pictured above.

I met a lady in a shop, who over time, we developed more than a hi, good day, how are you relationship.  I found out she is an avid doll collector, not the one of a kind type of dolls but in particular ones from a Canadian company, that have a certain look to them, and a wardrobe.  Like myself, she is a crafter, and artist, with her hand in many different project. We are many such “creatures” on the planet, and we thrive on the exchange of ideas and the inspiration we get from one another.

It is in appreciating the differences in the people we meet that we ourselves grow.  I truly believe that.  Seeing their “vision” and “creativity” inspires me to look at the objects that come into my sphere of “seeking” when I’m out on a “treasure hunt”

The doll above, I’ve seen over the years in fancy boxes in shops that sell to the doll collectors, and have passed them without a second glance.  Today I saw this young lady with her beautiful hair rather messed, and untidy, hanging all over the place, her shift which once had been clean and starched, was now faded, dusty and had a staining (that brown coat of “age”) that made her look shabby.  To add insult to her condition, where other dolls were priced at a respectable price, she had been marked at a ridiculously low price.  The colour of her outfit doesn’t really show properly, but the dress at one time looks like it was a pastel Easter green.  Her crochet vest was perhaps an off white or linen colour.  Her mother would have been proud, her undergarments were still white.

Yes, I brought her home, used a crochet piece I had to put her hair up so that I could get her clothes off,  I’ve soaked the grime out.. and will give her a cleaning when I have time to get back to her,  Why did I do that.  I have no idea. I know I will not be starting a home for wayward dolls.  At the time it seemed the right thing to do.

We all get old.  Some more gracefully than others.  The kindness we show to others, and the reason for our actions at times is not clear to us right away.   But I know for a fact, that goodness, begets positive.  When we live with a desire to live our lives with pure intentions, life is good.  There is always a reason for our actions.  When you believe this, the moments of awareness become more frequent.

Today was Monday, tomorrow is Tuesday, how wonderful is that!  Sleep with dreams of soft pastel wonders, and tomorrow wake to a day filled with vibrant colour.

water colour 4.13.17

A recent expression.. I was experimenting with my new watercolours on canvas and tissue.  Life is good, share your happiness with others.

PL Precept #19 Begin once you Perceive

PL Precept #16  All things Progress and Develop


memory lane

p1000518The pumps are gone, the mechanics retired, but the building remains… this little lot is perched on the corner where two secondary roads intersect.  (see below)  I liked its character. =^_^=

p1000516What were the  cars it serviced in its “hay” day. The following cars were in a collection that I found in New Hampshire, this was one of the nicest and well maintained displays I’ve seen in many a day.




p1000477check out the bee on the bonnet.  What a restoration!    You will find these “ladies” at

Kancamagus Collectables   on the Kancamagus Hwy, Rte 112  between Rte 3 and 1 -93, North Woodstock, NH. USA  (  603-745-0915 )  for those of you who saw the phone booth, it was in this location.  Admission is free.

The vintage service center is in Madrid, New York, USA

Life is full of wonders.  We need only look around us for the remnants of a time gone by.  The world is a wonderful place, and we have had such a colourful and creative past.  Today we live every day, starting each morning with a brand new canvas.

PL Precept #1     Life is Art


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