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Posts tagged ‘mud’

Friday 13th

It has been a mushroom day. Hopefully you have found your day just as interesting.

PL calendar day 13 We all have different ways of feeling and thinking.

Let’s us always accept others differences and respect one another. Remember that “different strokes for different folks” is the key to having harmonious relationships with the people around us.



Afternoon greetings, boa tarde!

When I got up this morning, I felt rested after a good night’s sleep so I decided I would do a few errands close to home.  I knew or should I say hoped that I would hear from the adjustor or the dealer about my car. At nine I prepared to leave expecting to be back in a couple of hours tops.

The day was clear, a little overcast, and not too cold.  As I prepared to leave, I decided to change my footwear, from sturdy walking shoes to my gum boots.  ??? why I had no idea, since I had no plans to be out of the city.  But.. went with my instinct and put on my Bogs.  They are comfortable after all.

All good plans and planning were for naught. Circumstances were such that instead of coming home, the adjustor called me, when I was less than 10 minutes from my street.  The towing company would not release my car without my authorization.  Even though I had given them that previously, it was not enough, they wanted me to sign a release form because I had personal items in my car.

The pound as they call it, was WAY out.  Not a little out, but a long way out.  When I finally got there, it was all mud, not just a little mud, but deep rutted thick squishy wet mud that sucked anything that dared enter the grounds. YAY THANK YOU GOD!!! I was wearing my boots.

In PL we are reminded over and over, to trust in that inner voice,  The Universe works in special ways.  I drove home with gratitude and appreciation that with time my faith has devloped and I believe.. PL Precept # 11 Always be with God,

Yes it was a frustrating at times, but I did it, I got what was needed done.  Thank you thank you thank you, to all of you who care and watch out for me.  I appreciate you all.

car accident 4

PL Precept #15 All is a mirror

car accident march 1



mud pictures -internet

off road in a jeep


There is always the first time for something. Today was my first time to experience, off roading in a jeep.  This is the jeep that I was travelling in, and at this stage of the ride, it was not longer pristine clean.  Off roading is something that I have wanted to do for a very long time, the opportunity simply had never presented itself before. Darling sweet Brig, (owner of the jeep) asked if we would go along for the opening of the season ride.  What a beautiful day it was.


The whole experience of meeting up with folks who were set and ready to get out and ride, was awesome.  Everyone gathered in an agreed to rendez vos, for a set time, and from there we left heading out of the city to the next pick up point.  The convoy had to be about 40 vehicles long.  You can see the weather cooperated, it was a gorgeous day.


There is something to be said about fresh air, and the strong desire  to conquer a challenge.  Everyone worked together, and everyone, cheered and supported the drivers who took the harder challenges.  The obstacles were there, if you wanted to try them, there were spotters and experienced drivers to  coach you through, if you preferred the less arduous route, that was OK too.


There was no easy road, it was all an assortment of  ” fun”  “bush terrain, with rocks, boulders, mud, and lets not forget the mud ponds with their hidden “treasures” .  It was just a matter of deciding if you wanted the rock and roll, the muddy waters, or the roller coaster rock and mud slide.


Our hostess was magnificent, she went up a 45 degree. incline of rock face like it was a piece of cake, honestly I was so proud of her .. she did it on her first try. We saw others having to make several stabs at it.  There were moments where I found myself holding my breath, the action was so intense.


Here is a jeep preparing to crawl up one of the rocks.  I got to scamper over the rocks up the trails, around the mud, over fallen tree stumps, and of course the personal challenge of finding “private” space  (when needed)  At least we were out on a day, without the horse flies, mosquitoes, and ticks.  We had a GRAND day.


I stepped outside my comfort zone, I explored the backwoods of a countryside I had not been in before. Met some very nice people, took part in a convoy, (that was very well run.)  the leader, the spotters, everyone, were so totally focused on enjoying the moment, it was a positive, energizing day.

Who knew… a road is what you want it to be.

Today we saw first hand

When you want to be somewhere

or get to a destination

no matter the challenges

when you listen with an open mind

to the encouragement of friends

and believe in your ability to do something

the rewards are satisfying

Pl Precept # 1    Life is Art


The good the bad and the ugly


Beautiful isn’t it, the Laurentian Mountains, Quebec, Canada.  The National Geographic posted this picture of the Laurentian Mountains, you can read more about this cottage mecca on travel.nationalgeographic.com.  This is where the family cottage is, so this was our destination yesterday. We looked forward to the trip, it had been awhile since we had made the journey even though it is only about a 2 hour drive from where we live.


This is the kind of view that we have from the deck of the cottage, however, there is no other cottage in front of us, it is a drop over a cliff to the water’s edge.  The only way to the cottage is to boat across or to walk around the bay. The car has to be parked along a road that soon will be barred from any vehicles, and then one crosses over and enters dense bush and forested area where a trail has been made over the years that is really only a foot path.  A footpath that has eroded over time  leaving pockets of mud, wet slippery rocks, and the need for a rope to help guide you up the steep incline of the mountain that has over the years, become less stable, and requires a mountain goat’s instinct to maneuver.


This looks more appealing, at least there are no bugs in your face, no tree branches hitting you, or mud pockets that will suck your shoes off if you land in one.  I should mention, that some kind person had laid down the odd  2×4 to use, a la tight rope walking so you could move balancing one foot in front of the other, as you move across some of the very wet areas.


The rope was kind of like this one, except there was no one to guide or help you if you slipped.  The actual rope that was there, my husband later informed me that when it had initially appeared, they had to use gloves to haul themselves up on it.  No I had not been prepared for this, I had to use my bare hands.

Ok so I have exaggerated somewhat, maybe more than a bit, but to me that 10- 15 minutes in the bush, was not my cup of tea.  the drive up was super fantastic, the visit with “family” at the cottage was excellent.  The fresh air and the quiet exhilarating.  Seeing little chipmunks up close and hearing the loons, loved it.,  My thoughtful sister in law rowing me back across the river with one of the dogs, a god’send.  Got to experience it all.. the good, the bad and the ugly..  Quebec is a beautiful Province.  I loved the adventure, I slept like a baby!


Namaste – Oyashikiri



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