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Posts tagged ‘textured art’


Good Morning, of course there is another version, but I’m showing you three, having done so by rotating the canvas. Our problems, challenges in life are not on canvas, we can’t just turn them around and visually inspect what is before us, but believe me, they are as complex and full of surprises as a canvas is to an abstract artist.

How will you see your day today, how will you deal with the many and varied opportunities that will appear before you? Will you even see half of them? I know some of my readers are familiar with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, since I’ve had occasion to talk to you about him before. He was a big name on everyone’s lips when the Beatles first took up with him, and wanted to learn more about his philosophies.

Today, I doubt if you said his name, many would know who you were speaking of. He filled ballrooms, coliseums, everyone one wanted to learn to meditate. It was fashionable. How many meditate today on a daily basis? It is like asking the question, do you pray every day…….. Personal questions, smiles, keep the answer to yourself… but think about it.

We are bombarded daily with the goings on around the world. We all want “change’ in some form or another… How many of you stay away from the word “love” or if you use it, keep it in the “social” general greeting part of your vocabulary. I personally don’t know anyone who has not been touched by “love” in their lives. some have the scars to prove it. (shame the word scar is associated with the word, but there you have it) With love comes pain, one seems to follow the other, like rain follows the sun.. and vice versa.

Make today a different day. Instead of doing the same old thing, be creative and do things to improve your day.

Perfect Liberty 2021 17

Bom dia – Transforme hoje em um dia diferente.!!!

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