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Thursday doors.

a memory, a treasure, once upon a time

Always think that “everything will work out” When you allow yourself to be pessimistic, your thought and actions become sluggish. Approach everything optimistically without hesitating.

Perfect Liberty 2020.2

A HOME is a special place. A door welcomes you home. This picture tells a story, each one of you will discover it in your own way. The first time I walked through a door of such a “home”.. I was struck with the simplicity of the building, and overwhelmed by the “life” it contained.

I had peaked into the window.. and I saw right through to the yard out back. Simplicity, sturdy, provided the necessity, protection from the elements, and those who shared the insides, appreciated and enjoyed the comfort it provided. Gratitude for the essentials in life.

A heart felt thank you, to the wonderful friend who thought to send me this photo when it was found. She sent me a few.. which I will share with you in time.. this one was the gem that my eyes found and stayed on when the package arrived.

Thursday Doors, is a feature that was started by https://miscellaneousmusingsofamiddleagedmind.wordpress.com/category/thursday-doors/ Norm 2.0 for more doors visit Norms site, and discover how each of us who participate and share Norm’s love of doors.. feature our doors. thank you Norm.


Comments on: "Thursday doors." (11)

  1. Simply lovely

  2. Nice pic. It has a rustic feel to it. Hugs!

  3. This is a wonderful post.

  4. I love the look created by the use of B&W.


    • thanks Janet how is that wonderful paradise of yours doing with the hot summer?

      • Amazingly we’ve done quite well with the heat (and it IS hot, but dry, which does make a difference). I figure if we get through summer here, we’ll be ready for the rest of the year. 🙂

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