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I love this piece… (my own work)

I wrote yesterday – hiding in plain sight – little did I know. The body is wonderful, when you over do or are in danger of causing serious damage to yourself… it shuts down.. In my case, it presented me with a problem I could not ignore. a whopper of migraine. So severe I had no choice but to lie down and let it fade and believe me, it was not going to make it an easy fix.

You can only change yourself. Before you start telling people how they should do things, think of how you can be more flexible.

Perfect Liberty 2022.13

If you have never had a migraine or suffer from headaches.. you will not understand or know that there is only one way what works, cuz your laid out, completely incapacitated…It is the body’s way of saying STOP you haven’t been listening. I encourage you all, if you are running from one “task/chore” to another and not taking the needed time for YOU… don’t fall into the trap.. Nothing is more important than YOUR peace of mind and making time for SELF CARE.


Comments on: "changes" (5)

  1. Beautiful artwork. Rest. 🌟✨💫

  2. Ouch! Does not sound like a good time. Like the art!

  3. Nothing is important than ourselves . 👌

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