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Posts tagged ‘red sweet peppers’

Salad anyone?

tuna,avocado, egg noodle salad

Scallop noodles – 1 cluster, cook, drain and cool

Solid light tuna in vegetable oil  (99g)   use the oil to mash eggs and avocado

Fresh garlic stem*, thinly sliced (to taste)

Fresh crisp lettuce

Sweet red pepper

Green onion and slices of sweet onion (to your taste)

2 hard-boiled eggs

1 large avocado  scooped and mashed with the eggs

salt pepper to taste

mayonnaise 1 big tablespoon

Tossed together this is a great easy salad – other seasoning can be added as your taste dictates, ie, squeezed lime, ginger, wasabi…. it is your call.

Make this a day to remember, like a salad, how we put things together, the choices we make, all become a creation of our own doing…..



*garlic stems, I have only found at Asian groceries they are not chives, they are shaped like a pipe cleaner, taste is crisp, and can vary from mild to strong in taste. sold in bunches

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