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Wednesday 8th


Day 8 of the PL calendar

First accept Everything

Life is filled with moments, sometimes happy and at times inconvenient.  It is important to first accept every situation as it occurs and try to accept and understand it for what it is.

Bom dia!! Greetings on another bright sunny morning.  Mid week already, where doe the time go.


It was  fantastic day yesterday to travel the roads, the trees along the highway are starting to bud, I could feel the anticipation in every direction.  The water levels were still very high as we approached the West Island (heading into Montreal).  We observed that the water was still half way up the trees that would usually be above the water line on dry land.

Please take time to remember that tho’ the weather is currently dry, there are thousands who have suffered severe water damage over the last weeks, and need our prayers.  Not just a few, but many people have lost year of memories and accumulated treasures, and are finding themselves in a place of sadness with weeks and months of rebuilding and hard work just to regain a sense of “normal”

Life is a succession of lessons, which must be lived to be understood– Ralph Waldo Emerson


wall art -small town Ontario

Comments on: "Wednesday 8th" (6)

  1. I like those murals!

    • Hi Eilene, eventually I will put up the whole grouping. they are very well done, takes one down memory lane… I am old enough to remember when nuns walked down the street like that

  2. Wonderful images and words. I always enjoy the street art. 🙂

  3. Yes, I remember. It’s great to reflect back. 😉

  4. More sound philosophy

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