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We all live through rough moments when we wonder– what? why? how did this happen? Why me? These ahHA moments can be startling, revealing, and even painful. But. the truth and reality of it .. is that moment will pass.. in French there is an expression, “want to or not, this is what it is”… When you have these light bulb moments, thank “Universe/God” you’ve reached the turning point. Say thank you… and move on.

Find the door .. open it, walk out or walk in, the world is yours to discover.

For more doors/architecture, please visit Dan’s No Facilities site, to see what other door/architecture lovers have posted today. https://nofacilities.com/2024/06/13/csc-model-trains/ note. I know I have a lot of readers who like trains and all that goes with them.. another reason to visit Dan’s page today.

Till soon…… Oyashikiri

Comments on: "Thursday" (1)

  1. I think WordPress ate my original comment.

    This is a beautiful post. You may have captured the reason we are drawn to doors. Perhaps it’s all about what’s on the other side.

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