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Posts tagged ‘paper’

mixed media


Perfect Liberty Precept #1


perfect Liberty Precept #7

In life we live each moment of our days, doing, thinking, taking action,eating, sleeping, whatever, there is usually an activity involved. the results of our days, some are productive, some less so, but…. the reality is.. for every “action” there is a “reaction”.

When we take a picture, we capture that moment in time. To the photographer, he/she saw and did so much before he/she took that picture. We see only the results .. what was captured in that moment when the picture was taken.

Mixed media is another re-enactment of sorts. the artists starts with an idea or inspiration, then pulls, tears, shreds, paints, pastes, stamps, whatever to accomplish an end result. In my case, instead of a photo, I call it a “doodle”. (dictionary -verb- to scribble absentmindedly etc.)

Will you “doodle” today, or dawdle…. LOL whatever you do, have a grand time doing it. and… SMILE!!

Your smile energizes the people around you. A smile has the ability to put others at ease and give them energy. Strive to be the first to offer a smile each day to those around you.



lost and found

butterfly huawei1

If I were an object, I would say I was lost

if broken I would hope to be fixed

found by a stranger, I hope they would rescue me

but, \I am not an object,

I am not lost, nor am I broken

So I don’t need to be found, or fixed

Life is not playing a trick on me

I am in mourning, lost in my own thoughts

realizing that I am in uncharted territory

like a butterfly I am buffeted by the wind

there is no place to hide

on the outside I shimmer and shine

while inside I dip and dive

from the sublime to mediocre moments

while I wait for the  painful reality of now

becomes tomorrow

and another day.

I miss what was

no more no less


Do I feel stressed, no, but tonight I am sad, in May it will be a year since my husband passed…I am overwhelmed at times, at just how much awareness I have of how love is a blessing in all its forms. Thank you my dearest friends, when you reach out, it is a balm and a reminder that love is Universal – You are appreciated and fill my heart with gratitude.  I love you!

PL Precept # 11 Always be with God

PL Precept #18  Each moment is a turning point


butterfly – by Zky

mind’s eye


Have you  heard that expression before, “in my mind’s eye”… I’ve  had it in my head for years, and have not a clue where it came from.  Just that I will use it at times, just because… in other words, I’ve never been sure of what it means or how it came to be in my vocabulary.

Lately I’ve been making cards for the spring sale coming up at the church.  I use blank cards, card stock, and what ever else I have lying around.  I told you about my using my store receipts for making textured handmade paper and card stocks..using coloured paper, inks, paints etc. I end up with some colourful media to use

I’ve had this one sole earring (ladies you know of what I speak) sitting on my work bench, I just couldn’t seem to throw it out, it has probably been hanging around for over a year. Last night I was looking at some scraps I had and without knowing what I had in mind, I started to fold the gray card stock to make a card… I used the left over patterned print for a border, some cut out shapes, and voila, a home for the earring.

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Sorry, I’ve not photoshopped it, it came all by itself….. when I took the picture (above) last spring when we were visiting a friend  in Gananoque, Ontario, I saw the sculpture and took a picture, because in my “mind’s eye” it would be a good picture.

When we do something, we don’t always know why or what has inspired us.  Sometimes it doesn’t come back to us for days, weeks, and in this case almost a year later.  And again, sometimes we just never get the “connection”

Living life in the moment, means that we are always present, aware of our surroundings and of the people we are interacting with.  The other lesson I’ve learned, but not fully been able to accomplish 100% is to express (create) enjoy the moment, and let go, move on.  How often have I kept a pair of shoes only because I paid such a price for them and even though I’d worn them till they owed me no more. not one single miserly cent.. I’ve held on. even after I bought another pair to replace them.

I am getting better. It didn’t happen over night.. now I try to let go of something, if I bring something new in.  LOL I can hear my husbands eyes rolling in his head as he reads this…. 1st step is knowing what you are doing.. 2nd step is working at correcting that habit or tendency.

In my creativity .. I have always been able to let go… and I never plan something out ahead of time to the extent where I “need” to do something a certain way.  Good examples, I don’t knit or crochet.. I do not like following a pattern.  I love to cook but never follow a recipe.  Each and every one of us is different we are unique in how we live our daily lives.  That is what makes this place (life on earth) such a beautiful adventure.

Please, let us strive to accept and harmonize with those around us ..

  PL Precept # 20   Live maintaining equilibrium between mind and matter..

PL Percept #21   Live in Perfect Liberty

Namaste     Oyashikiri


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