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Posts tagged ‘woodpecker’


Yesterday is a bit of a blur. Sometimes in life we find ourselves being led by an unknown force, we don’t realize it at the time, we simply act on instinct/impulse. It has happened to me before, and i adapt, may not know right away why, or how come I did or I’m doing something. But eventually… the light bulb goes on.

Be able to quickly shift your state of mind, Once something has happened, you can’t undo it. Be able to shift your state of mind quickly so that you can take on the situation with a fresh perspective. (2011.23)

Today I will try for a day of quiet contemplation and reflection. Have a good day everyone!


How quickly things can change, with the rain and mild evening we had, I wonder what the scene will be when I arrive this morning. From -14 temperatures the other day, to in the 40’s today. The above pictures I took yesterday morning. The sugar coated trees and forest floor were magical.

Enjoy what happens. People who can enjoy anything happening to them receive wisdom for the next step. Try to work on things without being overly concerned.

Perfect Liberty 2023.10

December is a month of many celebrations… It is a wonderful time to share and enjoy the diversity of the world we live in.

PL Precept # 7 Everything exists in relativity.

PL Precept #1 Life is Art



observation… with the fall weather, there have been a lot more visitors to the conservation area, families coming out with the children to take in the fall colours. What is particularily fun is seeing how the faces light up when they see the rainbow of colours presented to them, especially when the skies are a clear blue, and the clouds white and puffy,,,

Reminder, there will be two services this Saturday (21st) one at 10 a.m. and one at 7 pm.


fickle heart

Pileated wood pecker, this was the profile I saw today.

My reward today was getting to see this beauty at one of the feeders. (Mer Bleue) I have heard one and seen one in the distance at Dewberry Trail, and of course I see the results of their woodworking skills tap tap on the trees they love to peck away at. But today, one flew up to the feeder I had just filled and settled in to feast. I was struck with awe. I stood in the swirling snow and just watched, transfixed at his/her beauty and size. When I got my initial awe struck mind to register that it was happy snacking and not going anywhere, I quickly sought out my cell, both cameras were not with me. Guess who didn’t have her phone with her, it was still plugged in beside the bed. (the above picture is from good old Wikipedia)

To say that seeing one so close to me, and so amazingly unfazed by my being there, was truly an experience I will treasure, is fact. I noticed when reading the info on the Wikipedia site, that the picture I am using indicates its a female, however the male doesn’t look that different.

this one is identified as a male

Interestingly there are usually other woodpeckers around when I am there, the mid size one and a smaller one. Neither was around when my “star” arrived. The other birds paid her no mind, but then they were interested in the peanuts and sunflower seeds I had put out in the other feeders. My beauty, was after the suet. Interestingly I have noted freshly chipped out rectangular holes in the big tree that is in the clearing, but I had yet to see the “artist”. It seems they are looking for insects, especially ant colonies, they even eat poison ivy berries. I am smitten, but fear not, I am not about to embark on a search and find mission for insects to put out for her. I will however, make sure the flavour of the suet she likes is made available for her.

Thank goodness she is far away from my murder of crows… This must be what a cheating heart feels like.

Don’t think “I Can’t” from the start. Begin by taking the first step, then you’ll be able to see what comes next and a path will open.

Perfect Liberty 2021.6

Everything that happens to you is material for growth. Approach everything with a firm belief that “it will turn out for the best”. Anything can be used as material for progress and development.

Perfect Liberty 2015.4


breakfast companion

It was raining over the ice covered ground, but still I made my way to the feeding area. I was rewarded with this fella, he was not disturbed by my presence, and I was thrilled that he continued eating away, while I refilled the other feeders. He was a big guy, compared to the one I met later at the other feeder.

this one was shy, he/she stayed pretty much behind the suet.

Offer your services instead of expecting from others. Take the initiative to do what you can to help others. Understand their needs and act swiftly.

Perfect Liberty 2020.14

It is not easy to walk alone in the country without musing upon something.

Charles Dickens


take out? tap tap tap

what busy bird(s) came by and left its mark while having a tasty slice of tree
these little devils I just discovered love stucco too..! there are a few in the neighbourhood who are wrecking havoc on my neighbour’s new home. The little beggar(s) comes daily to dine … the upper corner of the house, right under the eaves. I’ve never seen the like. so far nothing he(neighbour) has done has deterred the bird(s) from coming to dine.

What can give artistic pleasure to see the designs of “age” ” on an aging tree standing in the forest, does not incur the same reaction when the same craving for food and substance is applied to a home in an urban setting.

In Taoist philosophy, and in PL, there are always two sides to a coin, there is a positive/negative… just look at your hand, there is a top/bottom. the two are ONE. some difference are readily accepted, they just are. no more…no less. Your hand would not be whole without the top/bottom.

It is only natural that you are different from others. Each of us has our own way of thinking and our own individual lifestyles. That’s what makes life interesting.

Perfect Liberty 2020.20


I had a sculpture (still have) on the roof outside the back porch, the same little “beggar(s) ” kept coming back, nothing I did deterred it. now I have a male head(bust) with many “openings” guarding my property. Totally unique and different. =^_^=


Perfect Liberty, Precept #1

wordless wednesday -reno

April 2016 bird does reno

a woodpecker started last year to redo the head

this spring, another bird came along

did a reno inside, , to make,his/her bed

a nest,  a place to rest

we don’t mind

it is the best kind

of neighbour to have.


namaste         –          oyashikiri

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