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Posts tagged ‘Japan’

Sunday 18th.

rural Japan

Be mindful with prayer, If you work on things with a prayerful heart, there will be many things you can be taught.

Perfect Liberty 2023.18
Japan from the air
peace, tranquility and prayer

PL Precept # 20 Live maintaining equilibrium between mind and matter

PL Precept #9 Human beings are all equal.

Each Precept is written in simple and clear language, but the truth reveled in their words applies universally to all humankind.

Today in Canada it is a day of recognition for Father’s – Happy Father’s Day!

Yakushima, Japan

Thought that since my world these past days has been wild, windy and very snow covered, i would share with you what is happening across the oceans in southern Japan. Different climate, weather, and habitation.

These moments caught in time where Anastasia was enjoying her explorations, were likely happening at the same time I was taking careful steps across an icy parking lot to feed the birds…

There is beauty all around us, we simply have to open our “eyes” to our surroundings. Be aware that while this is visual, the differences are also very present in our day to day attitudes, thoughts, and perceptions.

Let’s set higher goals and work to improve ourselves.

Let’s work towards our goals while keeping a clear vision of what we hope to achieve. your strong conviction and Makoto (sincere effort) will help drive you toward accomplishing what you set out to do.

Perfect Liberty 2014.2

In a land far away

It is nice to be able to travel and explore the creativity of others, This is Japanese themed Estate. Gardens and Bath house.

It is beautifully done and welcomes tourists to come explore and enjoy … photographers are welcome. If you are an SL traveller, this is the link http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/BASED/95/16/24

When I was a child, my father would take me to places that now are only distant memories. These memories come back to me when I explore Asian builds in the virtual world.

Don’t think overly about people. Instead of being excessively concerned about others, focus on what yhou should do.

Perfect Liberty 2021.31

During these times of restricted travel, virtual travel is actually a great way to learn about other cultures, and places you’ve never been before. In SL I have met so many wonderful and interesting people, I have been a virtual traveler since 2007. I’ve met people from all over the world, and I’ve expanded my ability to stretch my creative ideas in more ways than I can count. Bonus.. I’ve made friends, good friends who have crossed the border into what we call RL (real life). The reality is, we are who we are, no matter where we are, or how we are expressing ourselves.

Enjoy today, it will not come around again.



December is a month of many celebrations, often personal birthdays get lost in all the other goings on around this time of year. I know several women with birthdays end of November and in the month of December. This is for you ladies!

Men I know the above says women, but it applies to all of us, no matter the gender, or preference. Life IS.
We are all one, terms that debase or try to subject another to a “lesser” position in life, can only be made by a person who is not qualified or lacks understanding that we ARE all ONE. Somewhere in my youth, I heard an expression, about… people who live in glass houses, should not throw stones..? is that it…. If you know the correct wording, please share it, in the comments below..

The joy of expression is in the process. Of course results are important but let’s not lose sight of the rue joy that be found in the actual process. Face every task with wholehearted enthusiasm.

Perfect Liberty 2012.2


HAPPY BIRTHDAY LADY! keep on, keep making the world a better place!

Peace day

Always live with World Peace in your Heart. Each and every one of your actions can inspire peace within your family, your community and the world around you. This peace will eventually help lead to World Peace.

Perfect Liberty 2019,1

Today we will begin the Day of Peace ceremony at 10: a.m. followed by our regular Sunday service. Through the Day of Peace ceremony, we pray for World Peace and dedicate ourselves to live as peaceful human beings in our own worlds which include our home, school, work and community.

Everyone is welcome, not everyone can come to the church itself, if there is no church near you, we invite you to join us in prayer at 10: a.m. with a moment of silence and prayer of your own, committing to helping in the attaining of world peace. Love begins at home. within ourselves.


Feliz domingo

fireworks 2015 MG_3540

Happy Mothers day to one and all.  There is no longer a clear line between Mothers and Fathers, in todays world, many single parent wears both hats.  I salute you dear parent.

cup of peace

This photo was taken from the Brazilian PL FB page on Facebook – obrigada





Katana DC collectible 3.7.19

Historically , a Katana was traditionally known as a Japanese sword, used by the samurai of ancient and feudal Japan.  However, my Katana is a DC Bombshell collectible.  Her real name is Tatsu Yamashiro and her superpowers  – martial arts intuition  artistic intuition, and enhanced swordmanship.  You can of course read more about her on the net.  In the comics she is sometimes a teenager… But mine is grown up, ageless =^_^=

butterflies and flyWhy Katan, DC and Marvel have dozens and dozens of characters and possibilities.  It was actually my niece who gave me the idea.  She herself had recently picked up a Superwoman.  That brought back memories for me when I was growing up, Linda Carter was the blue eyes beauty who played her in the series that was on the telly.

I related to her super powers and her dedication to good, and the service of her abilities in helping others.

This is from the Wikipedia   Katana is a fictional superheroine that appears in comic books published by DC Comics. First appearing in 1983, Katana is a samurai warrior whose skill with a sword allows her to fight for justice as a superhero. Her tragic backstory includes the death of her husband, Maseo, whose soul becomes trapped in her blade, the Soultaker. Katana has been featured in various DC Comics superhero teams, including the Justice League and the Birds of Prey, but is most commonly associated with the team known as the Outsiders, a team of heroes hand-picked by Batman to act as his personal black ops team, handling riskier missions.

PL Calendar day 7   Your enthusiasm will pave the way

Your enthusiasm will fuel your efforts and creativity and will spread to those around you driving new developments.

Have fun today, who will your alter ego be =^_^=  ?

Thanks to my niece who inspired me to get out yesterday and have a grand old time rediscovering a part of me.



craft supplies for the butterfly and fly display that is being created came from MultiCraft and Gifts. 2210 Thurston Drive, Ottawa 1-800-267-6360  link MCC Arts and Crafts

biography for Katana

day 5

PL Calendar day 5  2019

Start by thinking “this is Interesting”

Even when you are dealing with a difficult situation, it is important to find  something interesting about it.  From there, you will be blessed with wisdom and something ew will come out of it;




3rd March

fly IMG_0159

Day 3, PL Calendar

Instead of worrying o something about it

It doesn’t help to over think situations such as, “what if this happens/” or “things might end up that way”  Instead be proactive and change how you see and do things in each situation.

In life if we never attempt something new, we will never know the full extent of our capabilities.  Accomplishments come in many sizes and guises.  Doing is healthy, walking with intent, getting out, exploring, discovering new possibilities.  It is a wonderful and amazing world we live in, human behaviour is what puts a damper on things/situations.

” I never hit a shot, not even in practice, without having a very sharp in focus picture of it in my head”  Jack Nicklaus (golfer)

PL Precept #18  Each moment is a turning point

Bom dia!!! Have a great day everyone!



Sizzix die – Multi Craft on 2210 Thurston Drive, Ottawa link online shopping

your whole heart

backyard b


Day 19 of Perfect Liberty calendar

If you are going to do it, put your whole heart into it.

Your degree of seriousness will affect the outcome.  Your daily accumulation of effort towards your goals shows just how serious you are.



nb* 21st Thanksgiving service  @ 7:pm


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