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Archive for the ‘fall’ Category


Yesterday is a bit of a blur. Sometimes in life we find ourselves being led by an unknown force, we don’t realize it at the time, we simply act on instinct/impulse. It has happened to me before, and i adapt, may not know right away why, or how come I did or I’m doing something. But eventually… the light bulb goes on.

Be able to quickly shift your state of mind, Once something has happened, you can’t undo it. Be able to shift your state of mind quickly so that you can take on the situation with a fresh perspective. (2011.23)

Today I will try for a day of quiet contemplation and reflection. Have a good day everyone!


You can travel along .. enjoying the view, if you look left, you get a beautiful view of the fall colours, if you look to the right.. a totally different sight meets your eyes. In life we are faced with such situations often in one day … Sometimes it is verbal not visual, but it comes down to choice. How do you cope or accept the opportunities that come your way,.

“When you get stuck, take a step back.. When you are able to see things objectively, your viewpoint will change and you will receive new wisdom,”

Perfect Liberty 2022.23

“The turning point is now. Life is a sequence of moments called now. You have the key to turn yourself around,”

Perfect Liberty 2023.19


photos today, Nick & Mel V.

Sunday 18th.

rural Japan

Be mindful with prayer, If you work on things with a prayerful heart, there will be many things you can be taught.

Perfect Liberty 2023.18
Japan from the air
peace, tranquility and prayer

PL Precept # 20 Live maintaining equilibrium between mind and matter

PL Precept #9 Human beings are all equal.

Each Precept is written in simple and clear language, but the truth reveled in their words applies universally to all humankind.

Today in Canada it is a day of recognition for Father’s – Happy Father’s Day!

a new day

Seeing this picture reminded me of my trek around the perimeter of the piece of land that stuck out from the mainland. I had been climbing over stumps, fallen logs, dense vegetation when I felt the eyes watching me. I looked over and there was a very intent bird watching my progress. I was so close I was surprised she didn’t take off.. but then… she wouldn’t would she.. she was protecting her nest. I made my apologies and backed away… not before I whipped my Nikon out to grab a picture. Can you see if she said “cheese”…

Are you overdoing things? Not only do you harm yourself when you overdo things, but you may be imposing on others as well.

Perfect Liberty 2022.29

Reconnecting ( or staying connected) with nature is vital to good health. It has been shown to have an enduring effect on emotions and mood. I find it very helpful .. I call it part of my brain health support program. Try it, you might like it. =^_^=

dawn and fog

These were taken, some time after I arrived, the fog had been so dense that it was too dark, Driving I could only see one car length ahead … fortunately I know the road, even so.. I was very cautious. My appreciation only deepens for the photographers who do this on a regular basis. If you want the pictures you have to be prepared to get up and out, so you are at where you want to be when the light is just how you want it.

It’s about being at the right place at the right time.. sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn’t.

Take action without thinking too hard. No matter how hard you try to foresee the future, you really don’t know how things will turnout. Do your best and see how it plays out.

Perfect Liberty 2022.4

Have a great week-end. In Canada, this week-end (Sunday) is when Daylight savings ends.

into morning mist….

There is something about the tranquility and peaceful ambience of being in nature in the early morning hours.

Have a prayerful mind to love yourself and others. Open up your heart fully when praying to God. It will help you work out your feelings.

Perfect Liberty 2022.31



Put your heart into your words. Do you tend to speak in just a matter of fact tone? It is important to put your heart into your words.

Perfect Liberty 2022.19
The lady sits

The maiden sits. Seasons come and go. Still she sits.

Once I saw her, I couldn’t not see her. What drew me to her initially was the face that looked out at me.

It was only when I got home and uploaded that I realized it was a woman sitting. (a maiden)

I posted it on Instagram, then felt the need to share her with you here.


life is

Life is ever changing… I love the fall because it is so vibrant … it is nature’s way of celebrating the pending changes… For us here in Canada, October is when the holidays begin.. Thanksgiving.. then the fun Halloween event… moving us into the American Thanksgiving followed by the spirit of December and the Holidays that come during that month.

I had occasion to ponder something I read the other day, another writer posted a quote about how no matter how far we travel, how many holidays we take, we can never escape from ourSELVES If you are unhappy at home or with your life, going on a trip to the south of France, or driving across the Province is not going to change the source of your unhappiness. If being happy depends on someone else’s input/sharing of/ into your life. The unhappiness and the feeling of loneliness/emptiness will still be with you.

Being happy is a state of mind… being content is a blessing. Being thankful and grateful for the wonders of life, and the beauty of self discovery is an ongoing journey. It is not the destination it is the journey…

When you are with someone and you are content/happy, it is not the other person making you happy, it is your happiness and contentment in being with them. Their happiness is yours … that is why it is so important to smile from the heart and extend your love of life to others.

When you face difficulties start with anything you can do. When you are able to grasp the situation, you will surely be able to notice something that you can do.

Perfect Liberty 2022.12


Stony Swamp P6

Oh could be a bit nippy out there, frost advisory over the next few days.. at 5:49 a.m it is 55 Degrees F, that’s not bad… It will be a good outing this morning.

Think “now is the Time” Instead of “It’s no use now” Don’t give up by thinking its too late. Tell yourself that there is more that can be done.

Perfect Liberty 2022.7

Already the Halloween festivities have started, get togethers, parties, all fun, here in Canada, this is our Thanksgiving . October is a very celebrated month… In the States Monday is Columbus day? I hope the weather is sunny and bright for us.. however, whatever happens, E N J O Y ….

wild turkeys live in community

This is a time to give thanks for all the blessings we have been given… show appreciation…. life is good when we are blessed with family and friends that care. a smile goes a long way!

you are all so special to me.. always

fall colours

The blue jay was not going to be intimidated.. you can see his blue behind the wild turkeys who once they discovered that there was “food’ on the ground, were not keen on moving off or away. They ran off at first, but one plucky one turned back to see just what was being offered. Once he discovered this was a mega of food, he applied himself to the task of eating all he could before the others realized why he was not following them.

It was very interesting to see how when the others saw he was not coming, he was busy eating .. there was no hesitation on most of their parts… to join him. Some did go off, not all were prepared to back track. Mind you they stayed in sight… just deemed not to return to the feeding area. I took myself off to walk the boardwalk, it was cool, but bright… I hoped to get a few fall colours in.

Mer Bleue

The best timing is when you notice. When you notice something it is God sending you a message. Act right away so you don’t miss good timing.

Perfect Liberty 2022. 5

ps. wasp sting symptoms, still happening after 6 days.

The fall colours are just getting going, they are spectacular so far.. Being in Canada with its 4 seasons is a blessings and wonder!!

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