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Posts tagged ‘Canada’

Yakushima, Japan

Thought that since my world these past days has been wild, windy and very snow covered, i would share with you what is happening across the oceans in southern Japan. Different climate, weather, and habitation.

These moments caught in time where Anastasia was enjoying her explorations, were likely happening at the same time I was taking careful steps across an icy parking lot to feed the birds…

There is beauty all around us, we simply have to open our “eyes” to our surroundings. Be aware that while this is visual, the differences are also very present in our day to day attitudes, thoughts, and perceptions.

Let’s set higher goals and work to improve ourselves.

Let’s work towards our goals while keeping a clear vision of what we hope to achieve. your strong conviction and Makoto (sincere effort) will help drive you toward accomplishing what you set out to do.

Perfect Liberty 2014.2

28 Nov

rock/wire sculpture -Merrickville, On.Canada

There will always be a way. if you persist and be creative without giving up, you will find solutions that you had not considered before.

Prefect Liberty 2020.28

I have gone many times to Merrickville, but it was only on my last visit there that I came across this giraffe. I stood for some time looking at it, before I walked down the street to get a better look. Years ago I had attempted to do some sculptures with chicken wire, I know the effort and time I had to put in to accomplish what results I did get.

This tall imposing giraffe was a marvel to me. There were not that many people about that day, so I was able to stand and enjoy him/her for some time. The posture, the face, the use of the stones all came together so beautifully. I’m sorry now that I did not attempt to find the owner and perhaps the creator…. (note to self.. a revisit soon or when weather permits and the season is right.)

Begin each day with a renewed sense of appreciation. Always remember that you are here today thanks to God, and thanks to the many people around you. Let’s make each day meaningful by starting out with a feeling of gratitude.

Perfect Liberty 2014 6.



There is something about the evolution of a tree, and what we have learned about how it grows, the different types of wood, hardness, texture, colour. I am captivated when I walk into a workshop where wood is being worked on/with. I love the many shapes, forms and characteristics of the different species.

I never tire of discovering an old wooden building/structure

In Wakefield the other day, the wood workers shop was not open when we went, but I got to explore his outdoor work space. Wood everywhere, it was a mini paradise.

I know that pictures are not the same as being there, but I’m sure for those of you who love this kind of “setting” as much I do… you can almost smell the wooden wonder of the place. In the back of this property is a babbling brook. YES I not only got a visual “high” I had the ambience of the running water and clear blue skies. YuppeeDoooo!!!!

We all have different ways of feeling and thinking. Let’s always accept others differences and respect one another. Remember that “different strokes for different folks” is the key to having harmonious relationships with the people around us.

Perfect Liberty 2014.13

Thank YOU for sharing my journey, allowing me into your lives, I truly do appreciate you, and for sure, I love all the comments and feedback.


October 31

photo – Ian Mitchell

Another month coming to an end. Reminder to set your clocks back this evening .. yes.. its that time again. Tomorrow, November 1, the Sunday service will be the Day of Peace service – 10 a.m. Through t his service we pray for World Peace and dedicate ourselves to live as peaceful human beings. Love- respect- appreciation – gratitude begin with us, in our own lives.

Rather than thinking “I have to….” think “ok, Let’s do this!” When you procrastinate and put things off until later, you will make things harder than they need to be. Get up ad do it now.

Perfect Liberty 2020.31

Don’t hesitate to show kindness to others. Do you ever find yourself hesitating to show kindness to someone? It is when you put your thoughts into action that you can show others what is in your heart.

Perfect Liberty 2014.31


Thursday doors

a gate with character (rust)

Thursday doors is a weekly feature, sponsored by Norm 2.0 https://miscellaneousmusingsofamiddleagedmind.wordpress.com/2020/09/10/thursday-doors-september-10-2020/

Live expressing your own unique self in your day to day life. We each are given our own duties and roles in life. Take the time to find what makes you unique,and you will be able to live your life expressing your own individual beauty.

Perfect Liberty 2015.10


SILENT Wednesday!


photo credit Ian Mitchell


Kanwaza in Perfect Liberty, is an “act of God” when we find ourselves dealing with a situation that is/was totally unexpected.

In my case a blow out on a wet windy day on a week-end, when the service centre of the dealership I deal with and most other automotive places are closed.

As it turned out I found myself in front of Nickys Auto Sales, when I finally got my car to a stop, off the busy road. The place was closed, but in the back I saw that one of the bay doors was open and a man was washing a car.

outstanding customer service and attention to detail!

Needless to say I was blessed… The man was amazingly helpful and friendly, he not only got me back on the road safely he did everything he could to make sure I was at ease, and that I understood what and why he was doing something. there was no tire available, he could not fix the tire I had, it was totally busted. I was at the dealers this morning (top pictures) at seven a.m. this morning.

Good news. my tire is under warranty, one has been ordered, and the dealer will fix it for me as soon as it comes in.

In PL we live with appreciation in our hearts, and do our best to learn from the “experiences” that come our way. Yes I had a traumatic reaction (flashbacks to the accidents I had not that long ago), but I was also favoured with the positive experiences of the people, strangers, friends, who came to my aid.

New encounters can help you change. Be up for anything even if it out of your comfort zone. This is a chance for you to improve yourself as a human being.

Perfect Liberty 2020.30


Condo-dining with a view

Stony Swamp Reserve

Enjoy the changes in your life. things around you are constantly changing with the times. Take on the challenging and new experiences as materials for self expression.

Perfect Liberty 2011.16

Your willingness to learn will make you shine even brighter. As long as you are motivated to learn more, you will continue to progress in life.

Perfect Liberty 2020.16


a meditation in green

I started out for one place, was in the wrong lane, ended up in a totally different direction, and smack dab to the entrance (parking lot) for the Larose Forest.

Was I dressed for a hike through the forest trails, no. Being the trouper I am, I decided to hike down one of the trails to get some pictures. Hot, was it hot… yes, but walking along under the canopy of the trees, there was a breeze.

My day was planned out for me by a higher being. I would not have started out to visit the Larose Forest on a day when temperatures were going to give us a scorching heat, with a high humidity factor thrown in. But I end the day with gratitude in my heart. I had a lovely day, it was a productive day, the myriads of greens, and earthy tones, was a palette that not only pleased the eye, but soothed a weary “soul”

Live in the moment. Whether you are walking, having a conversation, or having a good time, it is important to be fully engaged. Remember to live in the “now”

Perfect Liberty 2017.10

I will live with a mind of appreciation toward others and things.

Perfect Liberty Principle #3

Good night everyone. May your night and dreams be filled with a heartfelt joy that has you drifting into a peaceful sleep with a smile on your face, and gratitude in your heart.


fence shadows &?

experimental farm – Ottawa

You see the fence, then the shadow.. the shadow begins to shift, but the fence post, remains in place. Where did the jacket, shirt and tie come from.?

Be thankful at the beginning and end of each day. Each and everyone of your actions, can inspire peace within your family, your community and the world around you. This peace will eventually help lead to world peace.

Perfect Liberty 2020.21


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