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Posts tagged ‘mixed media’

Wordless Wednesday

Sometimes words get in the way, too many different understandings. Q

Always be cheerful, happy and good humored. When you make effort to be cheerful and happy, you will naturally begin to feel that way.

Perfect Liberty 2020.12


August 7

shaded, barely seen, you are always there – a friend who never pushes to be heard, or arrives in the moment just for the occasions. you are always present in the background, content to be in my world, an ear to listen, a shoulder to lean on, yes… all those things.. but mostly, you are you.. a gentle whisper of strength when I need it most. Q

Treasure each moment in time. Life is a continuation of “now”. Treasure each and every moment as it comes, so that you can live your life as fully as possible without regrets.

Perfect Liberty 2016.10


original mixed media, mixed media board,markers Ranger distress oxide sprays, acrylic, paper hand pulled and shredded, Nuvo products,sticker, double sided tape,mixed media art spray Marabu,

mixed media


Perfect Liberty Precept #1


perfect Liberty Precept #7

In life we live each moment of our days, doing, thinking, taking action,eating, sleeping, whatever, there is usually an activity involved. the results of our days, some are productive, some less so, but…. the reality is.. for every “action” there is a “reaction”.

When we take a picture, we capture that moment in time. To the photographer, he/she saw and did so much before he/she took that picture. We see only the results .. what was captured in that moment when the picture was taken.

Mixed media is another re-enactment of sorts. the artists starts with an idea or inspiration, then pulls, tears, shreds, paints, pastes, stamps, whatever to accomplish an end result. In my case, instead of a photo, I call it a “doodle”. (dictionary -verb- to scribble absentmindedly etc.)

Will you “doodle” today, or dawdle…. LOL whatever you do, have a grand time doing it. and… SMILE!!

Your smile energizes the people around you. A smile has the ability to put others at ease and give them energy. Strive to be the first to offer a smile each day to those around you.



flower doodle 8.4

mixed media greeting

OK here you go…. this is the little greeting card.. … the trick is to know when you’ve done your part.. the rest is up to the viewer.

Thanks to everyone, its been such fun sharing “her” progress with you.

Everything that happens to you is material for growth.

Work well with everyone, regardless of their age or position..

Tanto los superiores como los inferiores, avances unidos.

Perfect Liberty 2020.4 and 2015 4

You truly all bring joy into my days… you are a gift, I love what you share so beautifully, and look forward to ongoing friendships.


The doodle cards are 4 x 6 =^_^=

Another doodle for you

I’m enjoying your comments and what you see in these doodles.. Likely do another layer on this one tomorrow.

Love is when you meet someone who tells you something new about yourself.

Andre Breton

Live today filled with enthusiasm. Life is an accumulation of the efforts you make, day by day. Live keeping in mind that “today” only comes once and live your precious life to the fullest.

Perfect Liberty 2015.20


once upon a doodle

rose and lion mixed media doodle

LOL I have no idea why the name.. well I guess I do. The rose is the fluff upper left. I had to rewind and ball of wool that was so tangled I was only able to save 4/5ths of it. Never one to waste a good piece of knotted and fluffy wool, I balled it up and put it on the doodle card I was working on.

While drying it took on the look of a wet rose. Of course the ultra matte gel used to sculpture it in place, changed the effect somewhat.. but in person, I can still see the outline of my rose. My lion is in the pieces of discarded paper that I ripped up from some notice or other… and layered it in a rolled ball that obviously flattened and mushed around. it is the Distress oxide inks that shade the papers that gave my Lion its life.

Beauty as you know is in the eye of the beholder. I can tell you with certainty that playing with mixed media.. making colourful messes is very therapeutic for me. =^_^= … A good night’s sleep works wonders too.

The everyday t hings you do will show when it really counts. If you have a tendency to be careless about everyday matters, you cannot expect to perform well at crucial times.

Perfect Liberty 2020.3


a little this and that… Eliza or anyone else out there, have you had experience with bromelaids? I found a beauty the other day, and brought it home.

for my other friends, I was up packing up a box of cleaning supplies shortly after 6 a.m. from under my kitchen sinks. I no longer have duplicates and half full containers.. Tidy now yes, but will I make use of the products??? ah… that is another matter.

lastly, Blues tonight 5 pm SL time.


how busy you feel is a mater of perception

No one can take away the joy you get from putting your whole heart into something. the joy you feel when you’ve put your all into something is yours and yours alone. Nobody can take that away from you.

Perfect Liberty 2020.29


this and that

remember my MC statement
this is the final results I did two pieces.

Mixed media is one of my favourite pastimes. In this instance, I was ridding myself of the MC statement, you saw in the earlier post, the way I pulled it apart (no scissors) and using gel medium and gesso, I had fun pasting it to the backing card stock.

The other ingredients were Distress inks, and the Distress Oxide sprays. Acrylic paint (tube) and bottles. misc. brushes, and spatulas. The trick is to have fun, to just let your intuition take over.

For details here and there, used Versafine ink (black) and stamps I like to play around with. I found a bottle of Liquitex iridescent medium and brushed that here and there too. I didn’t use my photo studio box to take the snaps .. but you get the idea. I don’t think anyone will be able to read my bank statement. =^_^=

Let me say goodnight by showing you a darling picture of two of the cutest whippets.

baby Fierce and his mama Pearl

Doesn’t it just make you go “awwwww” Fierce is the lucky puppy that got to stay with the breeders. My friends are amazing with their dogs, both of mine are from them… Sorry but their darlings are spoken for, for I forget now how many years. But should you want more information you can check their web page, http://www/freckashpeng.com

It has been a long productive day. After a prayer of gratitude for today, I am off to slumber-land. May your dreams and sleep be filled with peaceful journeys, that will have you waking up fresh and ready for the new day.


modeling foam (mousse)

This is a product purchased at Michaels, it comes in a 10.58 oz or 300g bucket. It stays pliable till it is left out in the air to dry. Takes 48 hours for it to dry completely. Then they suggest you paint. In the first one lower picture, I used it over a picture I had .. a canvas that had already been painted and was waiting to be recycled.

I applied the product it is like a lazy dough, it pulls apart, stretches and works like a well chawed piece of gum. I did not use glue or other medium to stick it to the canvas. I simply applied it.. I used Tim Holtz distress spray stain, and Distress oxide sprays to colour and shade. While it was still drying. Once it was really dry I applied other colours for shading or to bring out parts of the “expression”

It was easy to work with and easy to clean up after. the one tub, was sufficient for me to do two canvas pieces. I still havce enough to do a mini piece or add to?

Oh yes, I also used it to reshape the look of a doll the size of a Barbie, I added ears, hair, and clothes on another.

this is work in progress, you can see I’ve layered and added with the rest of the product I could make her a mermaid tail, or change her head features to produce of alien..

What better time to explore product and items in our workshops,studios, etc. I have managed to clear our a lot of product that I know I will no longer use. Now waiting for the donation boxes to reopen.

Thank you to those who expressed an interested in this product. I hope you are able to find it when the stores reopen. It was a recent purchase, likely later March early April.

It is not apoxie sculpt. This is my preferred medium. I repair things with apoxie and still have the repaired items in use today. =^_^=

Waves to everyone.. shares a big smile.. and warm hug.

midnight special

original mixed media – Midnight Special

Last night I was inspired to try out a new product called modeling foam, Mousse a Modeler.. by ArtMinds Rather interesting results. It is still drying. It will be interesting to see it in the morning.

Have a great start to you day.!. Q

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