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Who knew! yesterday I heard a Cackling Goose, hmmm looked to me like the Canada Goose, but no… I eventually had time to look it up, Sorry I had to take a screen shot during a video to get this shot to share with you. It was migrating !!! and I got to hear it. Now I’m wondering if that is the bird I’m seeing with the Sand Crane some mornings.

Again I’m remined one should not take it for granted when we see a bird at a distance that it is not be dismissed as just another XYZ. I’m relatively new to the world of birds.. it is an adventure in learning.

I have been watching the growth of a red trillium… such a little beauty, I didn’t get to see one last year.. and this year it is my first find.

can’t wait to see how she is doing today!!!

PL Precept # 16 all things Progress and Develop

Everything that happens to you is material for growth. Approach everything with a firm belief that, “It will turn out for the best” Anything can be used as material for progress and development, PL 2015.4



It is OK to think…”This is where it starts” There is always a turning point. It’s important what you do from now. (PL 2021.27)

When the tall tree fell early in the month, I cleared around the fallen soldier” and took pictures of the areas that still showed how beautiful it had been in .. the various stages of life it was still holding on to. Parts of the tree that only the birds that used it saw … with it on the ground I was able to walk along side its length and capture some of its beauty. weather worn and lived in and on, it was a work of art.

PL Precept # 16 All things progress and develop

PL Precept #18 Each moment is a turning point,.



Today’s quote, is one I need to print put and put on my mirror, on my PC screen .. a kitchen cupboard , my car door, almost everywhere. I have multi tasked all my life. It is time to make a supreme effort to change what is a habit that no longer feels comfortable to me. Just because we have always done something, doesn’t mean that we keep doing it.. when the willingness and the desire wanes. When I was carving out a career path and thrived on achievement.. it was a breeze and I loved it. A snow storm, bah.. I would strap on my X country skis and ski to work.. early before dawn to avoid traffic.. if the skiis were not going to work used my snow shoes I had the will and would find a way.

Life is different now, I am supposed to be retired, Seems I’m busier than ever. BUT my mind may want to be active, my body wants to slow down. Yesterday I pulled my folding chair from the back seat of the car, and simply sat with the birds, squirrels, chipmunks and wild turkeys. Yes it was still on the “cold” side, but soon the morning sun, warmed my face, and I felt a weariness I had been refusing to acknowledge begin to stir.

The singing of the birds, the sound of the big male turkey pecking at the corn, the squirrels chasing and scolding lulled me into a nice restful state. Even the blue jays turned down their cawing …it was amazing. Bonus later as I drove away, the sandhill crane was closer to the road, through the trees I got a good look as it gracefully lowered its head to graze.

Multitasking reduces your joy in half, When doing something .. give it your all. There is joy in everything. PL2021.23


variety of sparrows, doves, juncos, red wing blackbirds, cowbird, you name it, they all dropped in. and lets not forget my ravens who were calling from above. Life is so brilliant when we stop to listen.


When you face difficulties start with anything you can do. When you are able to grasp the situation, you will surely be able to notice something you can do,

Perfect Liberty 2022.12

Sometimes in life we have to step back, and let the world stand still .. allow new possibilities to present themselves.


photo.PL Japan


Treasure each moment in time. Life is a continuation of “now”. Treasure each and every moment as it comes, so that you can live your life as fully as possible without regrets.

Perfect Liberty 2016.10

PL Precept #15 All is a mirror




Avoid having too many “likes” or “dislikes” Whether it is food, people or anything else in life, be careful not to overly like or dislike something. Things tend to get complicated when you allow yourself to be overly one sided,

Perfect Liberty 2016.9

Rev. Goto recently took the students from the PL School in Japan to the PL church and training center in Hawaii .. he graciously gave permission for me to use this pictures.

There is such beauty, in this picture, yet you can feel the inner energy that lies quietly in a fitful slumber. Human emotions can run deep, one of my Mother’s favourite expressions was.. you should never judge a book by its cover.

Listen with intent, listening is an art. be observant, BE in the present.



Always live with hope in your heart. With a clear image in mind, move forward with enthusiasm. Your dreams will surely come true with perseverance.

Perfect Liberty 2015.2

PL Precept #7 Everything exists in relativity,




Be a messenger of Peace. Always think “for the sake of others and society” and express yourself for the happiness of all people,

Perfect Liberty 2022.1

Day of Peace ceremony 10 a.m. this morning.


I have seen a lot of robins of late… they are busy picking out worms.. the red wing blackbirds had a new friend hanging out with them yesterday.


Always work to heighten your “inner sensitivity” your life will take on greater dimensions when you are able to perceive your surroundings with more sensitivity. Let’s continue to learn and add to our knowledge and experience, and cultivate a fresh sense of beauty.,

Perfect Liberty 2015.29
  • *how much are we wiling to give up so that everyone wins*


Start today with a fresh outlook. Even though people and situations may look the same, they are constantly changing, Start each day with a fresh mind,

Perfect Liberty 2022.17

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